The Bad News

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Both the alpha and omega teams regroup to a smaller space shuttle within the mothership. It's ready for take off inside the departure bay. On board the shuttle, Sabre sees the lead scientist. This reminds him about the reason for Feral's condition.

Sabre reforms back to Cato and Lynx and approaches the scientist aggressively. "You! What were you thinking!!" Cato growls as he pins the scientist against a wall. He shoves his forearm against the scientist's neck. "Look at what you did to him!!" Cato points at Feral.

The scientist, in a state of consternation, answers,"I.. I. I don't know. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I panicked! There was an explosion and people were running into the room! I didn't know what to think! I didn't know what else to do!"

Harpy notices the disturbance as she boards the shuttle. She reverts to Angel and Phoenix. Angel interrupts gently as she touches Cato's shoulder. "Cato," Cato barely takes his eyes off of his target, but Angel continues. "I'm sorry. We scared him into doing it. It was our fault. Don't blame him. We failed."

Cato eases the grip on the scientist eventually releasing him. Then he walks away punching the first wall within his reach, "AAARRGH!!" Cato roars as he exits. Lynx follows him closely.

Meanwhile in the back of the shuttle, the special ops team is gathered. "We should do it to honor him," states Master Sergeant Legend to his team. "I think he'd like it. It was an honor to fight along side him." He beats his chest with his fist. "Wolfpack on three!!" He shouts. "One! Two! Three!" The whole gang shouts together, "Wolfpack!!"

Immediately after, Cato enters. His emotions remain on his face. The self proclaimed Wolfpack gives him their attention. Cato speaks. "Thank you all for having his back. He probably would never show it, but he would be proud to have such a good team. I hope to see you around."

The shuttle enters Earth's atmosphere. Upon arrival at the Command Center, the crew is warmly welcomed. The alien commander, Draegon, is completely restrained and taken into custody, and Feral is taken to an emergency room.

Days later at the Command Center, Feral is lying unconscious on a bed. Outside of the room he lies in stands Cato watching him. Angel appears by Cato's side. "How is he?" She asks. Cato exhales, "The doctors say that he's fine physically, but none of them have a clue to if he's ever gonna wake up."

"Cato!" A scientist calls with papers in his hand. Cato and Angel walk towards him. "I'm afraid I have some bad news," the scientist prepares. "After scanning the microchip in Feral's brain, it seems that it's doing some serious rebooting".

"How is that bad news?" Cato inquiries. The scientist revises, "I'm sorry, I should've said reconfiguring. There's no information that reveals the separation of the two characters, Chaise and Coyote. I'm afraid Feral, whenever he wakes, will forever be Feral. I'm sorry, Cato." The scientist walks away leaving Angel and Cato in a frozen state of shock. Angel hugs him for comfort.

Suddenly the sound of glass breaking and a door slamming is heard coming from Feral's room. Cato and Angel rush to the area where there's a path full of commotion. The couple examines Feral's room. The empty bed Feral lied in is bulging out of the window with broken glass on the floor. The door of the room is off of it's hinges and wide open.

The couple whisper to each other, "He's up!" Unexpectedly the sound of broken glass is heard again down the hall. They follow the path the commotion leads them to. Angel wonders, "You think he's ok?" Cato replies, "Knowing him, there's no tellin".

They arrive at a broken floor to ceiling window where the view is outside of the building. The couple looks down. They're five floors up, and Feral is nowhere in sight. With the winds from outside blowing in, Cato continues, "But he probably needs some time alone. . Hopefully he'll be back."

The couple continues to look out of the broken window. Angel responds to Cato, "I hope you're right", and the sound of a wolf's howl is heard in the distance.

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