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Immediately After, an eruption rumbles throughout the ground. Outside the White House stands a giant, man-like, muscular, grizzly bear type of creature at about twelve feet tall. It's hair doesn't cover the torso area, and it carries a hammer that's just as huge as it is.

The giant presses a button on a device it's holding. The device sends a signal to instantly disable all weapons in the area, and the battle is muted. Feral then tells the commander of the U.S. forces to order his troops to fall back and stay clear of the giant. The commander gives the order.

As the troops fall back, Feral marches toward the giant fearlessly. "Big bitch," Feral says to himself. The giant points at Feral and speaks in its language that translates "Come, bow to your master." Feral, unaware of what the giant said, responds with a charge towards the beast saying, "Oh, you talkin' shit?!!"

Once Feral is in reach, the beast picks up his hammer and swings at Feral! Feral stops in his tracks and leans backwards to dodge the wind breaking attack. He touches the ground with one hand then uses it to press himself back into the fight.

The beast continues to swing as he roars "ARGH! ARGH! AAAAAARRRGGH!!!" but Feral is too fast and agile. He dodges the giant's ferocious blitz. Feral sees that it's not going to be easy to get close enough to match the beast. So he decides to use a different approach by jumping backwards to create space. He stretches his arms outward as his eyes and the spikes on his knuckles begin to glow.

The giant charges toward him. Feral then steps forward and claps his fists together with his knuckles facing his enemy. He unleashes a ball of multiple slashes projecting towards the giant. The giant uses his massive hammer to shield himself, but Feral's ultimate attack slices through it. The multiple slashes fade away leaving the giant with a very short rod in it's hand.

Feral wonders, "What the hell was that hammer made of?" The giant launches the rod at Feral, and Feral swipes it away. With the giant's hammer no more, Feral's fight with him just evened up a bit.

As the fight goes on, Sabre exits the White House noticing his partner's battle. Just as he prepares to engage, the werecat senses movement behind him. Sabre quickly turns around to find nothing there. "Show yourself!" Sabre commands with a snarl as his eyes dialate.

This enables him to see even the slightest movement. With this ability he notices a transparent scorpion-like figure slowly approaching. Sabre shouts out of confusion "What tha!!" as the figure attacks him.

Feral continues his fight with the giant by trying hand to hand combat with it. That puts him at a disadvantage because the giant is tough and overpowers Feral. Feral finds that out once the giant grabs him and slams him to the ground.

In the background Sabre is spinning with the invisible creature's tail in his hand and releases it just as Feral is slammed to the ground. The giant cranks his fist back to finish Feral. In the nick of time, their fight was interrupted by the flying invisible creature. It knocks the giant off of Feral.

The invisible creature loses it's camouflage and becomes a visible giant scorpion-like reptile. Sabre shouts "Stop playin' around Feral! Let's finish this!" as he rushes towards their opponents.

Sabre jumps in the air and crosses his arms in front of his face with his palms and claws facing outwards. His eyes and claws begin to glow. He stretches his crossed arms upward and strikes down toward the enemy! He releases an X-shaped group of continuous slashes. They hit the two foes as they attempt to rise from the ground.

The giant grabs the reptile out of desperation and uses his ally as a shield. Sabre's ultimate attack slices through the giant's living shield leaving the reptilian creature in pieces. The leftover slashes strike the giant and leaves great damage. The giant falls to it's knees and lies on the ground immobilized.

Sabre lands next to Feral as he rises. Feral assures him "I had em. You know that right?" Sabre looks back at the enemy ship that's releasing reinforcements and responds to Feral, "Sure you did. Now what are we gon' do about that??"

Suddenly the two notice an explosion coming from the alien ship. . then more random explosions throughout. Feral wonders, "What's goin on up there?" Sabre realizes and answers, "Back up," as the ship slowly begins to to fall.

Feral asks, "From who?" The internal destruction continues within the descending vessel as everyone on the ground attempts to evade. Sabre grabs Feral to alert him, "Now's our chance! Let's kick 'em while he's down!"

The duo, prepare to unleash their ultimate attacks on the falling ship. This time, concentrating to maximum exertion, they release greater sized projectiles with four times the power and durability. Their combined attack dismantles the enemy aircraft before it hits the ground.

Sabre looks at his hands and mentions, "I always wanted to do that." Feral agrees, "Right?!!" Then a banging noise is heard coming from the ship wreckage. An object is seen ejecting from it into the sky.

The two Nobodies prepare for battle. Feral growls, "boss level" as the object falls closer to them. Suddenly Sabre relaxes and responds to Feral with a smirk, "not exactly". The object lands near the pair and raises dust.

Out of the dust walks Dozer. He enters with a joke, "Ha! I just gave that bitch the D!" Feral and Sabre celebrate, "Alright!!" Feral punches Dozer in the stomach and encourages, "I never thought I'd be happy to see you but you proved me wrong today!" Dozer smirks and replies, "There's a first time for everything."

Sabre interrupts pointing at the sky, "Let's not celebrate too soon guys. We got incoming". Everyone observe the sky while a fleet of alien fighter jets approach them. Feral teases Sabre, "No way we can fight them while they're up there. What do we do now, oh great wise one?"

Just as Feral asks his question, an answer is delivered with a high pitched echo. It's heard followed by the sound of the destruction of the fighter jets. Harpy arrives, and she brings backup with her. An army of U.S. fighter jets trail her.

With Harpy leading the way, they take down the enemy with ease and reclaim the sky. Once she's done, Harpy reunites with her team. As they celebrate welcoming her in, Feral shouts, "Yooo!! We are LIVE!!"

Harpy lands and alerts the group right away. "Guys, we gotta move. They figured out a way to take the aliens down." Sabre responds, "Sweet! But we need to make sure all the surviving aliens are taken care of first. Let's spread out n help the military lock these fools up".

The team does just that. They spread out, aid in search and seizure, and gather all foreign planetary creatures into one area. Once they finish, the team leaves the military to deal with the rest so they can move on to their next mission.

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