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I could feel the darkness surrounding me

It's gentle hum was vibrating in my ears and everything around me was cast into shadows.

In the distance I could see it.

The repository

It's shining light was glimmering and reflecting off the caverns around me, blinking at me

It's blue light shone red and the hum of its power was overwhelming my senses.

I felt the pull

"Eden..." it whispered to me "come to us...you know you crave it" it whispered in the darkness.

"No" I said firmly "you will not tempt me"

The voice of the darkness chuckled evilly around me "Very well...then we shall claim what you hold most dear" it said.

The evil laughter surrounded me, overwhelming my senses as I spun around to find the source. By the repository I saw Sebastian.

He stood, looking at me with helplessness in his eyes . The black magic swarmed around him, and he didn't even realize it.

"Sebastian!" I cried out, as I began to run towards him .

But no matter how fast I ran, the darkness was faster .

His mouth opened up and his head was forced upwards and the darkness that surrounded tunneled itself inside of him.

"NO!" I screamed.

I gasped as I flew upright in my bed, my nightgown drenched in sweat as my sweat covered hair was stuck against my forehead. My heart was pounding, the images of the dream being burned into my mind.

I flew out of bed, grabbing my wand and making my way out and into the Slytherin common room. I had to see him, no matter what.

There were no prefects in sight but I used disillusionment just in case. Upon entering the boys dorms, I searched each door for his last name , trying to find his room.

After walking down the long corridor, I found it.

It read Sallow and Gaunt.

Without thinking, I opened up the door and closed it behind me in haste, letting the disillusionment spell release.

I rushed over to Sebastian's side and began shaking him awake . Alarmed and confused, he sat upright, the blankets falling down off his body revealing his toned and muscular chest. The state of him shirtless on any other day would've made my jaw drop, but the dream I had just had had scared me to much.

I threw myself on top of him, my legs on either side of him and my arms around his neck, burying my face into his neck, soft tears falling from my eyes onto his bare skin.

"Merlin's beard Eden, what's wrong?" He asked me, waiting no time in wrapping his arms around my body and holding me close to him.

Ominis stirred in his sleep and sat up, trying to find out what was happening "Sebastian?" He asked in confusion.

"It's Eden" he replied worriedly "she rushed in, something's wrong" he replied.

"What happened?" Ominis asked with concern.

I refused to remove myself from Sebastian whatsoever. The closer I was to him, the safer he would be. "I had a dream. In the dream I was surrounded by the darkness, the repository beneath Hogwarts where Isidora stored all the pain and emotions she took from people. It called to me...wanted me to claim it and I said no. It then said that if it couldn't have me...it would claim what I hold most dear to me...and then I saw you, and the dark magic forced itself into you and I couldn't save you from it" I said shakily, the tears streaming down my face as I clutched onto Sebastian. I leaned back, looking into his eyes "I will not let the darkness have you" I cried.

Ancient Love (Sebastian Sallow/OC)Where stories live. Discover now