•The Vision•

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After the discussion with Ominis and Sebastian in the Undercroft, I was more then determined to get to the bottom of the dream I had, on top of the fact the ancient magic was making physical manifestations from my body without control.

The dream had me on high alert. I searched for the traces of dark magic at every waking moment, looking for it's dark glow that I knew no one else would be able to see outside of myself.

Anytime I wasn't able to be around Sebastian my anxiety seemed to overwhelm my senses. I felt the urge to protect him from the darkness, it nearly consumed me. However, I knew given our schooling circumstances that I wouldn't be able to be in his presence constantly, but it didn't mean I couldn't try.

We spent most our nights in the Undercroft , or if we felt risky I would sneak into his room at night since it was surprisingly easy enough to do. It had only been 3 days since our discussion had taken place, and my procrastination of talking to the Keepers after so long couldn't be put off any longer.

As I opened the doors leading into the Map Chamber,  I looked down at the door that led to the repository. The last time I had entered it, I had Professor Fig at my side. The moment replayed in my head and I felt the sorrow sinking in. It was a moment that felt so long ago, but in reality it was less then a year.

As I walked down the steps towards the portraits , each keeper entered their portraits and I felt my nerves rising up in my chest.

"What have we here?" Charles Rookwood said in surprise as he gazed down at me.

Perceval Rackham also looked down in surprise "Miss Eden Starkhaven" he said in surprise "I did not expect to see you so soon. What brings you here" he asked curiously.

"Greetings Keepers...I've come to ask a few questions that have been concerning me" I said softly.

"Continue" Perceval said as he eyed me.

"I had a dream" I started "3 days ago it awoke me in fear. In this dream I was down by the repository and I was surrounded by darkness...and this darkness called out to me from the repository. It wanted me to claim it...and when I said no, is threatened to to take that which I hold most dear to my heart" I explained, gulping softly.

"And what is that which you hold most dear?" Niamh  Fitzgerald asked.

I swallowed hard "A boy...his name is Sebastian Sallow. And in this dream the power took him and forced itself inside...as if to use him as a host" I explained.

"A boy" Niamh repeated.

"This dream of yours may be a prediction of something to come, but we won't know for certain until the time comes" Perceval said as he looked down at me with concern "Be wary, Miss Starkhaven, there may be more forces at work here then we know".

"There is something else" I said last minute.

The four Keepers looked down at me with anticipation, waiting for me to continue "The ancient power within me seems to be growing stronger somehow. It triggers at random, physically manifesting without my permission or control. As of right now it hasn't caused to much fuss, but it is concerning" I said.

Percival Rackham paused in thought "It may be because this power has been sitting dormant inside you for so long and it needs some sort of release. However I would not do such a thing on the grounds of Hogwarts. Take it someplace hidden and far away where no one would notice or be injured from it. The ancient magic is a powerful and fickle thing, one must care for it properly. I am partially to blame for not preparing you for it" he said.

I nodded my head in understanding "I understand Professor, I will be careful with it I promise" I said to him.

"Good" he replied. "Watch out for traces of dark magic. If you see anything it may help us understand more about this dream you had" he said.

Ancient Love (Sebastian Sallow/OC)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt