98. Jealous Andros X girlfriend Reader Lemon!

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It had been a couple of days since you had screamed at your temperamental striped-haired boyfriend. You and he had gotten into an argument before your sudden buddiness with Zhane, his best friend and Andros had begun to see green or rather red with envy. Things had taken a turn for the worse when you found out he had gone through your phone to ensure you weren't doing what he had feared the most. You were furious when he admitted it in a joke, you won't lie and say you didn't scream and curse him out but you showed a side of you that you didn't think was possibly more terrifying than darkonda. Andros had tried to apologize for days and you didn't budge, you had forgiven him but you were very petty and were willing to drag it for however long you could until the day prior he didn't send another one of his apologies.

Confused you asked around if anyone had seen or heard from him and you didn't receive any answers. Annoyed you decided to visit him. Inside the ship, you were surprised to find it quiet and with no rangers in sight only to be told by alpha that the rangers had gone out for the day and Andros was to be in his chambers working on some ship plans. You thanked the robot and sneakily made your way to his chambers. As you did you peeked through the window to find him passed out on a couch. Slipping inside quietly you entered the room, you did your best to maneuver past the endless blueprints, tools, and gadgets that lay below as You closed in on the sleeping figure, giggling slightly to yourself as you got ready.

The lazy lump on his day off had chosen to nap rather than finish his plans, you gave a playful frown as you eyed him down "rather than apologize for being a jealous goof you pass out, you haven't even gotten my forgiveness . But you look so cute" you purred to yourself.  As you eyed him your eyes began to scamper down to his outfit, he had chosen to wear a form-fitting red top that sculpted his figure well and some grey sweatpants which perfectly detailed the large package he had. While usually reserved, quiet, and kind Andros did harbor some unfavorable characteristics like his brashness and jealousy you knew he wasn't perfect ( no one is ) but you overlooked it usually for the thing between his legs the one thing that kept you coming back. Hadn't it been for the weakness behind his zipper you would've strangled him already.

As you pulled in closer you could hear him softly snoring, his face looked so peaceful compared to his usual stoic appearance or mischievous and cocky smirk. How bad you wanted him to be awake so you both could make out, your tongues wrestling for dominance and him pining you down as he used one hand to unbuckle his pants. But alas you could only dream as you gazed up at him, that was until a mischievous and somewhat Evil plan popped up in your head. Quietly as you could your hands began to trail down his pants, he had been in some sweatpants and you quietly adjusted the hem of it so it could slip down loosely. Once did it have you access in which you began to slip a couple of fingers inside and began to run your fingers across his member.

As you did you could feel his body tense slightly but not awaken. Perfect you thought to yourself as you began to move up and down the shaft, on the top of the tips then finally down to his balls. As you did he murmured slightly in his sleep and shifted a couple of times but not enough to wake up. As you continued to play with it, you could feel it thickening, and help pulled it out. Once the member had hit cold air and a combination of your movements it became rock hard. Success at last you thought to yourself pulling your hand away from the erect cock, as you began to celebrate. The black and blonde striped-haired boy had awoken unbeknownst to you. It seemed the succulent and erotic dream he had, had unfortunately trickled down to his member.

The boy was drowsy for the most part and felt everything was fine until he realized his privates were exposed to the outside air and his pants had been loosened, looking around as his eyes adjusted to the light he saw your figure which was now trying to slightly tiptoe away. The boy's face contorted into a scowl as he looked over at you and the sight in front of him. Sitting slightly up he extend his arm and snatched you. Yanking you to the couch where he once rested. " Ahh!" You yelled with his motion stumbling back slightly. The boy simply huffed as he tucked in his erection. " Oh your awake" you nervously mumbled, " How did you get in and what do you think you're doing?" He demanded." Well, not even a hello or how are you doing". " Weirdos don't receive any kinds of greetings" he hissed.

"I was bored and decided to check up on you and I was only trying to help alleviate some of your stress" you pouted. He stared blankly at you in disbelief " I'll need to put locks in and since when did you care about my stress and how do you think playing with my dick would help". " I just thought it would," you said huffing slightly, wrapping yourself in your oversized shirt. " You didn't come to check up on me did you?" He asked and you nodded. " What did you want?" He asked as if already Knowing the answer. "You didn't send me another apology and besides I missed you," you said growling at him slightly. The boy chuckled and boy was it loud and hearty " You weren't responding anyways and I was going to give you space." " You know I'm petty and all is well and next time communicate instead of going through my phone" you playfully huffed. " Fine I'm sorry for being crazy but still sneaking in and doing this?" He asked scowling at his sweats.

" I was only trying to help and besides you enjoyed it" you purred. Andros chuckled " You want this don't you?" He asked with a cocky smirk gesturing to his erection and you shamelessly nodded. " If that's it, all you had to do was ask," he said pulling you close to him. Once close his lips crashed into yours and you were both engulfed in a passionate makeout. Saliva chimed and his lips were greedy and quite rough. Sucking on your tongue, biting your bottom lip, and trying to shove it down your throat. You did your best to fight him but eventually gave up as his hands slipped under your shirt and began to play with the hem of your underwear. As you pulled away thin lines of saliva connected you. you both began to pant as he pinned you down onto the couch. With one hand he began to yank off your top and finally your bra. His lips trailed your jawline and neck sucking and biting in his trail.

Once at your breast, he sucked your nipple and the soft tissue around while pinching and massaging the other. " Who can make you feel this way" he whispered in your ear as he began to slip down your shorts, " You, you only" you breathed out earning a large pop as he pulled off of your chest. Once he did, he quickly slipped off his pants and positioned his boxers to your underwear. He then removed your panties throwing them to some corner of the room and with one wet finger whom you seductively sucked on prior he slipped them into your folds. Taking the time push them in and out, " I'm the only one who can touch you like this" he firmly stated and you replied with satisfied whimpers. As you did his pink and wet muscle bent down to lap some of your folds while one hand kept your legs pried as you out. " Mmh, why are you so good to me" you breathed out.

As his movements got rougher and rougher and before long he pulled back away leaving you soaking wet. Once he did your lips met again rougher than the first one and he gently began to lay you down. Once he did he looked into your eyes once again, at first soft and blank before contouring his face into that devilish grin as he continued to push his way in he was successful as the tip of his cock made it past your soaking folds and breaking your tight wall earning a small squeak from you. Though uncomfortable, he trailed your neck again and whispered sweet nothings as he began to move. First, slowly relive and get used to the pressure and finally begin to speed up again. Once he did your walks loosened and his thrusts began to hit a certain toe-curling spot. With that, you buried your face within his neck and allowed him to continue.

"Who do you belong to?" He groaned out, " I belong to you!" You cried out as those rough thrusts kept hitting the same spots over and over again as he continued to dick you down. Your moans increased until you finally cummed all over his shaft. He gave you a cocky grin as he gazed at the filthy pleasure he hand encased you in. He eventually got tired of the missionary and switched to all fours, leaving your jelly ass out as he slid right in. Once he did you repositioned his walls and began the thrusts, his hands rested on your cheeks as he continued to deepen his cock swallowing your ass to swallow more of it. With that, your face began to grin as he got rougher and rougher. He grabbed locks of your hair and continued the brutal assault on your nether regions.

As he continued he laid back down allowing you to bounce off his fat and long cock. This time he began to do light grunts and moans as you rode his thick pole. You eventually cummed again all over his shaft coating his pubic hair and balls. He continued for a while until he and you both reached your orgasms. Eyes clouding with stars and him sending thick fat jets of cum deep within your womb. Once done you hopped off of him and kissed his lips once more. " I love sneaking over " you breathed out, and he gave you a playful scowl as he wiped the sweat off his face before grabbing you close to him, " I will never let anyone touch you like this your mine and mine only," he said nibbling on the shell of your ear gently as you both began to rest. As your eyes began to tire another evil plan began to form " I need to make him angry more often" you said grinning devilishly as you fell asleep in his embrace.

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