68. Rangers Prefrences : How they are in Bed 😏😏

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Thomas ( Tommy) Oliver: Tommy is pretty sweet, he can be a bit rough but for you, he'll start with a bit of foreplay and making out before continuing. You'll probably do it at his house or yours and he'll do his best to make sure your comfortable and satisfied even if it means going at a speed that would bore him. Tommy will probably use a condom in the first couple of times and ask to do it raw only if it's okay with you.

Rocky DeSantos: Rocky would probably be a little too excited and may go a bit too fast for your liking but he'll slow down and make sure you're enjoying it too. Most likely you'll probably do it at his house and his speed will change depending on you. You'll definitely use protection as he always wants to be safe but if he's really into it and it's okay with you he'll probably do it raw.

Jason Scott: Jason would speckle you in spots that would make a leopard envious, his thrusts will start slow and then speed up after a bit. Protection the first couple of times and then you'll probably be doing it raw every now and then. You'll probably do it your house but he may drag you to his if he can't contain himself.

Adam Park: our cute cinnamon roll Adam would be a blushing mess ( Not so innocent Adam story), he'll probably take it slow and check every 5 seconds if you're okay. You'll probably have to usher him to move faster but he'll get the job done. Adam and you would probably do it at his house but he wouldn't mind if you did it yours and he'll always wear protection unless you ask for it raw.

Andros: Andros would be very tender and loving while you make love, he'll make you see stars. Your neck will be covered in hickies and your lips will be bruised. You'll definitely do it at your house since he doesn't have much privacy in the Astro mega-ship anyways and you'll use protection a majority of the time but occasionally you'll go raw.

Leo Corbett: Leo would probably pop up the question first but would drop if you're not comfortable. Once you do start he'll make it very special for you with maybe music and candles, foreplay to get you ready, and then rip into you. Leo wouldn't be too forgiving and it may take you some time to get used to his aggressiveness. You'll do it definitely in your designated room and he'll wear protection and maybe occasionally ask if you can do it raw.

Mike Corbett: just like his brother he'll let rip but he'll be a lot gentler and calmer he may try kinky positions that could spice up the sex or make you comfortable. He'll always wear protection unless you ask for it raw and you'll do it in your room.

Schuyler ( Sky) Tate: Sky is a sex god a 100% of his thrusts hit that one spot that makes you a moaning begging mess, despite his personal interests and the way he wants to do it your opinion and comfortability always comes first and he would never try anything you wouldn't be okay with. You'll probably do it in your room and occasionally his unless someone walks in on you and protection first and occasionally raw.

Jack Landors: being the suave play boi he has Jack has a lot of experience but he'll make your first time special and gentle. His thrusts are slow but hit the right spots and it always ends with your nails sinking into his back when you're done. You'll both will do it at each other's respective places 50/50 and he'll use protection though he prefers raw unless you ask him specifically.

Bridge Carson: Bridge maybe a bit of a dunderhead but when it comes to sex surprisingly he's good at it. Expect random make-outs and foreplay, his goal is to always bring you immense pleasure and he does. You'll always do it in your room as he doesn't want to risk anyone walking in on you and him and he always uses protection unless you don't mind going in raw.

Shane Clarke: Shane would try to make your first time as wonderful as he can, he probably has you go out to eat or dance and then he'll begin. He'll start slowly and ask now and then if your okay, if it begins to hurt be sure to know he'll smother you into tiny kisses all around and probably whisper sweet nothings. Once your good hang on tight cuz he'll take you to outer space, they'll probably be lots of moans and groans and your bed may or may not break. Probably at your house but maybe his every now and then and he'll use protection unless you tell him not to.

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