5. Mike x reader

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Mike had always been the kid like ranger , the most irresponsible and irrational one on the team and that's why you were so attracted to him.
How you met:
As you sat in boredom waiting as your friend Melanie was on a date with her crush , you only came for moral support in case I'd didn't go well . Yet a first a date at an arcade might just be the most tackiest and cheapest place anyone could ever go to other than at a fast food joint . Deciding on not waisting your time on sulking around you headed to the nearest game and placed your token in , as you waited for the machine to turn on , the screen never appeared

" uh just great if my Friday night couldn't get any worse ", speaking too soon you you bumped the machine which dropped your tokens and basically gave away to any token hungry gamers around.
just great", you groaned
suddenly a finger tapped you turning around to yell at the person tapping you , you were met with a cute almost drop dead cutie , almost drooling you didn't notice him asking if you were okay
" um ma'am you okay " he said handing you your cup . Snapping back into reality you quickly and awkwardly spoke
" oh sorry , and thanks maybe I can find a token around here". You said crouching low to find any tokens
" here I don't need this one , since I already completed grimcraft " he said placing a token into your hands .
Thanks you said " I'm y/n  and you are ?" ,
" mike " he said flashing a toothy grin  
You were about to ask if he wanted to get out of the arcade when his watch began to beep
" sorry go to go catch up later at my dojo ", he said leaving behind the address and sprinting out of the arcade.
How it happened
Ever since you and mike met , you both became inseparable you even learned his secret as the green samurai ranger and met the entire team heck you even helped out in a few missions. As your time with mike and the other rangers grew so did your love for him in fact it became not such a big secret between the other rangers except for Emily who hated you for getting so close with her man , that they basically tried to pair you guys up any chance they got . It was Antonio's birthday and you and the other rangers were celebrating, when mike called you out heading to the forest behind the dojo you met up with mike
" y/n all these days have been great , ever since the day we met I think we had a special connection, um what I'm trying to say is I'm in love with you y/n and I was hoping you would become my girlfriend".
he said rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly as he was blushing
" yes " you said jumping on top of him   you both pulled for a soft passionate kiss soon the kiss had become much deeper and you both were stripped down into your birthday suits. Let's just say some not very g rated things happened that night
How you found out
2 1/2  months later of your special night , you began to notice you missed your period, threw up every morning, began to put on some weight, sensitivity to light and smells , werid food cravings, and mood swings . Deciding on enough you went to talk to master Ji
Who gave you one possibly answer
" your pregnant y/n and by my guess a little over 2 months , it seems someone got busy " he said slyly winking at you , you turned you head in embarrassment. Excusing yourself you headed out the door outside where mike and the others were practicing. You watched as Kevin lunged towards mike with a stick who only had seconds counter block the attacking , mike then lost his footing and fell backwards
" mike you screamed",
rushing over to him only to have Kevin helped mike up not before giving him a stern lecture
" mike you need to focus more , when a nighlock  attacks and you aren't focusing it could reasulted in big consequences"
" that's enough for now you all can have the rest of the day to yourself".
Said Jayden . As the other rangers began to leave it was just you and mike .
" mike I have something to tell you " ,
" what is it y/n? ,  he asked
looking slowly at the ground , you blurted out
" mike I don't know how to say this but I'm pregnant",
he stared at you for what seemed like eternity
"so your really pregnant,?
" yea " you said unsure " ,
Is it mine? " he asked stupidly
"no it's decker's , of course it's yours you idiot ,
"that's great "he said wrapping you in a big hug.
"Let's do our best okay? " he said flashing his signature toothy grin

Epilogue: "Olivia get back here that's your father's favorite console".
"haha haha mommy you'll never catch me" said your 4 year old daughter who had your husband's precious gaming console "but I will "
said max as he scooped up Olivia , "Daddy! "the brown haired child yelled
"mike your finally here she's been driving me nuts." You said out of breathe from the chasing
"well y/n she does take after me" . Mike crouched down to kiss your swollen belly
"how's my little samurai?"
"he's good"you lovingly replied back to him
. Planting a kiss on your lips you both loving smiled at each other.

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