29. Lucas Kendall x reader

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You were wes's baby sister Y/n Collins the second in line for your father's company , but you couldnt care less you were more intrested in doing something bigger to help the people of silver hills than sit at board meetings with boring old people and that led you to your crush Lucas Kendall.

You were voulntering at the local senior center when it was suddenly attacked by a lady with pink hair and a bunch of robots. " Move it human were taking over this popsicle stand" the pink haired lady yelled, " No way sweetie and pink is for clowns" you said Standing your ground to shield several elderly seniors. The pink haired woman fumed " Pink is in season honey and take this" she said aming her weapon at you. You closed your eyes and braced for impact.

You opened your eyes to see a figure in blue holding the pinl haired woman back " Nadira you really cant play nice with other girls" the blue figure said hinting you to escape with the seniors , " What blue time force ranger!? Get off of me i got to make that brat pay for what she said" Nadira screeched trying to shake off the blue time force ranger. You on the other hand made it out with the elderly where first responders and the silver hills guradian were there waiting along with your father in his limo, " y/n sweetie what are you doing in this dump? get in" Your father said ushering you to the limo.

Though you would rather catch a cab or bus you hoped in into limo , once you were inside your father began ranting about the company and what not but you couldnt care less all you could think about was the blue figure who saved you , " hmmn the blue time force ranger he must be super cute under that helmet" . Once you reached home you bolted out the limo in search of yor brother " Wes you'll never guess wh-" you stopped in your tracks as you noticed your brother who was stuffing a duffel bag with his stuff.

" Look Wes I know you don't care about what I am about to say or anything im saying but why are you packing up your stuff?, " You asked a little concerned, " Y/n im tired of this! , Im tired of sitting here and allowing people of silver hills to have to pay for their own protection when they should have it for free" he yelled as he pushed you aside. " Wes wait I wanna come to Im tired of sitting here too!" You said stoppng him.

Wes froze " Y/n I would do anything for you to come But you don't understand , what im doing could get you harmed or worse killed either way it wouldn't be safe for you ." He said running out of the house ," Wes wait!" You yelled sprinting after him. After a long ass run with very little breathers You managed follow your brother to an old clock tower on the outskirts of town , there you creeped up the stairs hoping to see what your brother was doing.
You stopped in the middle of the staircase as your brother enterd the room, at first nothing but some shuffling and gasp then you heard a voice " Wes what are you doing here!?" The voice said though it had a very feminine sound to it. " I was wondering if you guys had room for one more?" Your brother asked , " Of course!" A group of voices including the feminine voice you heard before chanted. Wanting a closer look you did your best to be stealthy and silent , but unfortunately the ancient stairs of the clock tower weren't so forgiving you thought as you made a loud " creak" as your foot collided with the wood.

" What was that!?" Your brother asked as him and the voices began making there way down the staircase , you in full panic mode frantically thought of how to to get out of the situation when unfortunately you were already found out. " Y/n what are you doing here!?" Your brother said raising his eyebrow , " Well you see" you said playing with your fingers. " Wes who is that!?" A girl in pink suddenly appeared along with three other people , a boy in a orange jacket with green hair, a girl in a yellow vest with curly black hair and the last a boy who you may add drop dead gorgeous with slick back hair and a black leather jacket.

You may have been staring at the boy in the black leather jacket to long because suddenly your brother began snapping his fingers , " Hello , earth to Y/n!?" . " Erm what ?" You awkwardly snapped back into reality, " What are you doing here?" Your brother asked a little annoyed. " I'm here to help you your not the only one in this family who's tired of sitting around , I want to make a difference" you said said making a fist. "Family?, Wes who is she!?" The girl in pink asked your brother. " She's my baby sister Y/n Collins" Your brother replied rubbing his neck sheepishly, " Woah Wes I didn't know you had a sister , maybe she could help us defeat ran-".

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