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His hands hold needles that sew confidence into my skin,
Writes the most beautiful poetry with his string.
He's the type that's talked about but never seen,
I'll never have to worry about where he's been.
A love so pure it never cracks to pressure.
He means what is most to me, I have found my treasure.
Hands that travel down my body light,
Leaving behind stories that'll never rewrite.
Watch our future mend into what it needs to be,
We fight for our love hand in hand so we can be free.
He's a man worth fighting a war for.
I'd give him the last breath within my core,
Just to see his smile once more.
I know he would do the same for me, this I'm sure.
His gentle heart will always be my cure.
He leaves room for my mistakes
Never judges me for my sadness, he knows how bad it aches.
I know how hard we had to fight
But at the end of the day I know we are right.
Count my blessings every day
Because now my world is no longer Grey.

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