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A haunted memory,
Shivers that spill over my body.
That's all you are now.
Something I believed to be so great,
Now taunts my nightmares.
Can't get rid of your presence
As you stained your way into my body.
You live miles away yet the stench of you still suffocates me.
Can't forget what you've done
So the anger marinates.
You've wrecked who I was,
Not proud of who I've become.
I've Let an evil soul slowly pick at mine.
Told myself I wasn't a victim so many times
It took me years to finally unlearn it.
I've fantasized about the ways i could hurt you the way you've hurt me.
But every time I'm unsatisfied because it's just not enough.
I seek revenge
Every broken bit of me cries for revenge.
But reality is
There's no power in my hands.
I doubt I've even crossed your mind once
Since you shattered my world.
You don't think about me
You don't replay the scene where you begged to be in me.
When I just wanted you to be with me.
You don't sit up at late hours wondering what it would be like if I stuck with my no.
Where would I be if you accepted my reasons.
You don't even take a second to yourself to wonder if I ever healed.
Well, the answer to that is no.
The reality is
I hold no power,
Just as I didn't that night.

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