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Just leave me alone.
I can't possibly turn the tv loud enough to shush the thousands of voices screaming at me.
Each individual voice tells me yet another reason why they don't want me here.
I cry loudly back at them,
I need those voices to understand I don't want to be here just as much as them.
Why do they speak to me in ways that they figure I don't know.
That I don't know how much of a fuck up I can be.
That I don't know that I've ruined any shot of really becoming something worthy.
Just leave me alone
To find an ounce of comfort in my sorrows.
I don't know how to beg any louder.
My words fall flat compared to the rest that smother my head.
I cannot hear the heart inside of me that's beating despite all of the reasons not to.
I just want to crawl out of this suited skin
Dig myself a hole just so I can be left the fuck alone.
Never an ounce silence
Never a calming breath.
I cannot live in such a state.
I need the ringing in my ears to stop
I need the anxiety that's constantly keeping me on my toes to just stop.
My legs are tired.
I'm carrying all of this weight but yet I don't know where I'm taking it to,.
I'm going in circles with the same old shit.
These words are not new,
I'm sick of the CD that's stuck on repeat since 02.
I need to be left alone for even a few minutes.
Let me gather up any hope that I have left
I want to decorate my mind with positive posters and live saving quotes.
But man, these voices just won't leave me alone.

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