6) family

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"Tan-ahh!!" I squeak, picking Yeontan up and holding him close to my chest. He woofs in delight, the joy of reuniting sparkling in his eyes. I run my hands through his soft hair while he licks my cheek.

Mum and Dad emerge from the hotel bedroom, Dad's laughter echoing in the corridors.

"Gosh, Taehyung! How do you manage Yeontan? He's so notorious! I would say raising you was easier." Mum pulls me into a hug, squeezing Yeontan between us. "You must be Hoseok," She beams, shaking hands with him.

"How are you Tae? See, three months done! Fifteen more to go, it's not that hard." Dad says as we follow him into the living room.

"Oh, you don't have ANY idea how boring it is over there. I can't even see my baby," I pepper Yeontan's face with soft kisses, as he jumps around on my lap. "How are you Mum, Dad?"

"Aah, we're all good. Hoseok! Where are you from?" Mum asks.

"Born and brought up in Gwangju, but now I work in Seoul." Hoseok says, with a warm smile. "I'm a Graphic Designer,"

"Wow! So like you design clothes and stuff?" Dad asks, leaning in. He gives me a confused look when I burst out laughing.

"Everyone gets this messed up," I try to explain. "He designs logos and stuff. The thing you're talking about is Fashion Design."

"Yeah, that." Hoseok agrees.

I hold Yeontan up while Hoseok plays with him, chuckling. When Tannie gets comfortable with Hoseok I hand my puppy over to him and turn towards Mum and Dad finally greeting them properly.

"It's so monotonous over there, it's exhausting. We wake up, work out which is basically suicide, have breakfast, and then work."

"Oh, my baby...The food situation is all good right?" Mum sighs.

"Yeah they feed us properly Mum, don't worry 'bout that,"

"After the deadly workout we do, we seriously eat anything they give us happily." Hoseok chimes in, trying to get Yeontan to sit.

"Tan-ah, sit," I command, and he follows, making me give him another kiss.

"Whoa, you've raised him well Taehyung-ah," Hoseok beams.

"Raised him well, my foot! That puppy is spoilt. I don't know how I'm gonna take care of him till he's back." Mum says.

"Hoseok has a Shi Tzu mom, you know. Mickey!" I say.

"Yeah true, but I have to say, Taehyung loves Tannie on a whole new level."

"He's my baby,"

"And...tell us more about your time there, did you make any new friends Tae?" Dad asks.

"Oh yeah, like not really friends...but our boss Jeongguk, who's younger than us, and Jin hyung, who was the Major General from our first posting," I say, as I take out the snacks I bought for Yeontan and open the pack to feed him. "Jeongguk is a bit weird...like he's at his job but like, we still need to...you know, talk more and stuff. If he even wants to be friends with me. Jin is the coolest person ever. Whenever he visits, we get to eat nice food and he also pulled some strings to help us get this small break."

"They seem nice, Tae. Establish connections everywhere, it'll help you a lot okay?" Dad says.

"Yes, dad." I toss the bone-shaped cookie in the air and Yeontan woofs, jumps and catches it. "Wooo!" Hoseok and I clap proudly.


I rub my eyes and open them slowly. Hoseok is sitting on one of the dining table chairs, scrolling lazily on his phone.

"When did I sleep?" I ask him. Yeontan is snuggled up and snoring in my arms.

"Almost two hours ago, when we were debating if the trigonometry they taught us in school actually helped us," He says, letting out a small laugh. Yesterday was fun, after we arrived, Mum, Dad, Hoseok, and I chatted the whole time. About our lives over there, I told Hoseok Yeontan's old stories, Dad was giving us a (sort of boring) brief of his military service days, etc. It was fun talking to them after a long time. Then we went out for dinner and strolled on the streets for some time. Hoseok video-called his mom and sister and showed Mickey to us. Then he called Namjoon and Yoongi (they all were school friends and now lived together). He too spoke to them for a long time, since calling and everything is not allowed in camp - we can just write letters. Old school, but fine.

I gently place Yeontan on the couch and get up, it's almost 5 pm. We're gonna leave today.

"I don't wanna go back Taehyung-ah," Hoseok whines, shutting his book.

"I know right? How are we supposed to survive there for fifteen more months? Ugh, this is worse than med school," I sit down on a chair beside Hoseok.

"We can't even celebrate the new year over here," Hoseok sighs. Just then I get a text from Mum.

𝐌𝐮𝐦: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐮𝐩 𝐓𝐚𝐞?

𝐌𝐞: 𝐲𝐞𝐩 

And in minutes Mum crashes into our hotel room with a bag in her hand.

"Oh, Mum is this- Whoa." There's kimchi, tteok, rice cakes, and many more snack items.

"We aren't supposed to eat all this Mum," I try to explain.

"Oh no problem Taehyung, I asked Jin and he said that it's alright to enjoy a bit till the new year. Plus, it's your birthday!"

"It's your birth-" Hoseok starts, but I cut him off.

"You called Jin?"



"C'mon honey, I'm trying to make it less boring for you over there,"

"Hmm, Hoseok, did you give her Jin's number?" I ask

"Hehe, sorry but Mrs. Kim kinda forced me to and the food looks delicious," Hoseok defends himself. "When is your birthday Tae? We need to celebrate!"

"December 30- Wait there's no need to celebrate-" I start.

"Ugh, you're such a spoilsport Taehyung," Hoseok frowns. "Who doesn't want to celebrate their birthday? Tell me how would you like to enjoy it?"

"What will you even do in Cheorwon? It's just the both of us. It's gonna be my first birthday without Tannie." I look over at Yeontan peacefully snoring.

"We'll find a way to make you enjoy it. Don't worry Mrs. Kim, I'll make sure he doesn't spend his birthday sulking around."

"Call me Mom, Hoseok," Mum pats on his back. "Tae, I'm so proud of you. You've got an amazing friend."


I tear up. Can't hold it in. Hugging Yeontan close to me, I cry.

"We'll be back in no time Tae," Hoseok assures me as Mum pats me on my back. The train is gonna leave in a minute.

"Happy birthday in advance my baby," Mum and Dad say when I hug them both. "Keep writing letters every week okay?" I hum in response. Hoseok shakes hands with Dad and tries to do the same with Mum but gets a quick hug from her. He's not crying unlike me. He didn't even see his family, he should be sadder right?

"Wear warm clothes both of you, it's gonna be really cold this time," Mum says when I pet Yeontan for the last time and follow Hoseok into the train.

Stay With Me (SWM #1)  | A Taekook SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now