13) a confession

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I turn and squirm around in Jeongguk's bed that night. My mind is gushing out multiple emotions every second. For some time I'm recalling Ji-Woo's letter and dwelling on good memories, and then the next second my mind wanders off into thinking if we will make it out alive.

We had a boring afternoon. Jeongguk was transferring the data into a hard drive as he was instructed to do, and Hoseok and I were talking about our childhoods.

Then we had some tteok and leftover kimchi as an early dinner. Jeongguk was oddly quiet the whole time. But when I started yawning, he gave me a painkiller (yes, my head was still hurting very much) and asked me to go and sleep. And here I am. Not able to sleep even though I'm dead tired.

I crawl over to the edge of the bed and peek down to see Hoseok snoring softly, one of his legs sticking out of his blanket. I chuckle and then notice that Jeongguk's place is empty. Something shifts in the bottom of my stomach. Does he ever sleep? Something was definitely wrong with him today. I get out of bed, trying not to make noise. I wrap a blanket around me and head out to the control room.

Hey Gguk, I don't think you've slept well. You must be tired, go get some rest. I'm not sleepy anymore, I'll watch over the intercom for Jin. I practice these words in my head as I walk through the empty, dark corridor. Jeongguk is hunched over something, his back towards the door when I enter.

"Hey, Jeongguk..." I call his name softly. When he doesn't respond, I take a step closer and realize that he's fallen asleep on his folded hands resting on the table. His bunny teeth are sticking out of his open mouth as he breathes heavily. I smile and take off the blanket around my shoulders. Holding my breath in, I place the blanket over him, trying not to wake him up. I notice the intercom in his hand and reach out to take it. Jeongguk shifts at the brush of my hand.


"Hey, sleep, sleep. I'm sorry," I place my hand on his shoulder. He opens his eyes slowly, his shoulders rising.

"What happened, everything okay? You need anything Taehyung?" He blinks a few times, trying to shake off his sleepiness.

"Calm down. Nothing happened except the fact that you seriously need rest Gguk." I say dragging a chair to sit beside him.

"Hmm..." He rubs his eyes and then wraps the blanket around himself tighter. I watch him with my elbow propped up on the table. He laughs out of the blue, looking at the floor and then at me.


"How do we always end up with each other at midnight when we can't sleep?" His doe eyes look exhausted but there's still a sparkle in them.

"I know right? And then we have these deep conversations about life," I scrunch my eyes and laugh along with him. None of us speak until we stop laughing and Jeongguk lets out a heavy sigh.



"I wanna confess something."

"Okay, do it."

"But- but," He stutters.

"I'm not gonna judge you, don't worry."

He pinches the bridge of his nose for a couple of seconds, deep in thought, and then looks straight at me.

"I like you."

Stay With Me (SWM #1)  | A Taekook SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now