21) recovering

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"Shit," I gasp and shut my eyes. A zombie attack scene goes on in the background and I just hear the thuds and screeches coming from Jin's laptop. Jeongguk is right. Happiness is scary as shit.

"Tell me when it's over," I whisper to Jeongguk who's sitting right by me on his hospital bed. I see him nod as I slightly open my eyes.

It's become our routine to watch a few episodes after dinner everyday. Also, after he gave me that mind blowing massage, I feel like an infatuated teenager yearning for physical touch every time Jeongguk scoots aside on his bed and makes space for me to sit beside him.

All through the day I wait for the Sun to set and the schedule to end so I can go and meet Gguk. We've grown used to each other to naturally and easily I just feel like spending my whole day with him. A really really small voice in my mind asks Is this love?

The fracture is a complicated one but I mostly stay out of his treatment process. Being a pediatrician, my knowledge about bones is not that helpful. Ji-Woo left for Australia two days after she was rescued. We didn't get to spend much time together because of my busy schedule (Yes, they don't spare you one day in the army), but it was nice meeting her.

"Ughh how long is it?" I groan when the sounds of zombie screeches, humans screaming and punches don't stop. I feel Jeongguk's arm brush against mine. My right hand, which is placed on my thigh is covered and held in a firm grip. I slowly open my eyes and look down at how perfectly Jeongguk's hand covers mine. The air around me grows warm when I look up at him and find his eyes on me. There's a subtle smile on his face which screams I'm so in love with you.

"It's okay," He says in a low voice, not taking his eyes off me. My jaw trembles as I try my best to suppress a stupid grin. I quickly look to the other side when my cheeks go warm and red as I bite my lip. I hear him let out a breathy chuckle and turn my eyes to the screen again. Since when did my heart start beating so loudly?

His hand stays on top of mine for a few seconds until he finds me watching the drama again. I immediately look at him when he removes it, exposing the back of hand to the cool air again. I take the pillow on my lap and put it away.

Then I do something very brave.

I loop my arm through his and then intertwine out fingers, placing our hands on his lap. When he turns and looks at me in surprise I smile wide at him. He returns the smile and we both continue watching the drama. Well, I just stare at the screen, zoning out and thinking of how warm his hands are.

As time passes I grow more and more comfortable. Eventually my head drops onto his shoulder when he scoots closer. My smile doesn't seem to go away and my heart...well my heart is doing all sorts of stunts. It's going loud and jumpy every time Jeongguk slides his thumb back and forth on my hand.

"One more?" Jeongguk asks when the episode ends. My eyelids are heavy and I'm tired from the day, so I shake my head. Without moving his shoulder on which my head is resting, Jeongguk reaches for the laptop and shuts the lid, making the room go fully dark except for the moonlight coming from the window.

"Wait lemme help you there," I sadly take the decision to break away from him when he struggles to put away the foldable the table on which the laptop was sitting. I get off the bed, put all that away and sit on the edge of the bed. We just look at each other. I really wanna cuddle you right now and sleep here.

"Um.." Jeongguk says, scratching his neck.

"Good night then," I say when we both are the loss of words. Ugh! we just had such a sweet moment and now I'm making it all awkward.

Jeongguk nods rapidly a couple of times. "Yep, good night and good day tomorrow. See ya!" He says.

Stay With Me (SWM #1)  | A Taekook SeriesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin