Loki's Chambers (Brodinsons)

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this takes place a year or so after Thor (2011)

It would serve you and your people well to go to Loki's chambers.

Heimdall's voice echoes in Thor's head as he makes his way through the palace halls. He hasn't the slightest idea what his words might mean. He doesn't know that he wants to. He'd very nearly refused – he did refuse, even, the first time Heimdall said it. But he'd insisted, and, try as Thor might, he can't find it in him to argue with the man who possesses the All-Sight.

The walk to Loki's room feels longer than it used to be. Every step is filled with dread, and time and time again, he finds himself wondering if he could just turn back; if he could simply return to Himinbjorg and apologize; tell Heimdall that he can't do it.

He hasn't stepped foot in Loki's room since his death. He can't bring himself to relive the memories he and his brother have made there; playing valkyries together or sharing a bed when one of them couldn't sleep. Loki's bedroom has always been a safe haven for him. Loki had always been a safe haven for him. And now that safe haven is gone.

He wishes he'd known what had happened. He wishes somebody had told him what his brother had learned. If only he'd been able to make sense of Loki's actions, to see that it wasn't jealousy motivating him so much as fear and loneliness.

If he'd known, maybe he could have talked to him.

If he'd known, maybe he could have stopped him.

He's put on a decent facade, he'd say, over the last year or so. Everybody knows, of course, that he's upset. Everybody knows that he misses his brother. But nobody knows just how much it hurts. That's between him and the pillow that collects his tears every night.

He stops outside of Loki's room, hand hovering just above the doorknob. He could open it right now. He should open it right now. He should open it and he should step inside and he should figure out what Heimdall wants from him and then he can leave and put this behind him. It sounds so easy. It is so easy. So why is it so hard?

He takes a deep breath. Here he goes.

He slowly, carefully twists the doorknob, and, after one last moment of hesitation, he pushes the door open. It's dark in here, though the light from the hallway and that of the window with the shade drawn illuminates the room just enough that he can make it out.

It looks exactly the same as it always has.

And that hurts more than anything else could.

He takes a step into the room and looks around. It's clean; far cleaner than Thor's room. Loki's always been like that. He's always liked to keep things organized. Thor used to make fun of him for it, and Loki used to do the same to him. What he wouldn't give to hear his little brother make fun of him one more time.

But then Thor catches sight of his bed.

His bed is not neat.

And Thor knows for a fact that Loki made his bed every morning, because he used to make fun of him for doing the servants' jobs for them.

He approaches it cautiously. Is this what Heimdall warned him about? Is this more than just a bundle of messy blankets? Is there something – someone here? Who would have broken into a dead prince's room just to take a nap?

Thor pulls the shades up, letting the sun's rays stream into the room. It's a better idea than approaching in the dark, he's sure.

There's a quiet groan from Loki's bed, and the mess of blankets shifts a little.

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