Beneath The Green Spaghetti Tree (Lokius)

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this takes place after the Loki season two finale

One thing Mobius would have liked to have been informed of before he pruned himself is that Alioth is not dead.

Nobody ever actually told him what happened when he went back to the TVA and left Loki and Sylvie to deal with the whole Alioth situation. He heard about He Who Remains, of course. He's heard a lot about He Who Remains. But Alioth? The other Lokis? The alligator? He has no idea what happened to them.

That's the shitty thing about being the loser in a friend group of gods: nobody ever tells him shit.

He almost made it, though. He made it to the Void. He made it to the monster that guards the citadel. He almost made it. But with the giant cloud puppy looming over him, he rather reluctantly – and rather quickly, preferably before he's eaten – decides it's time to go home (using that word loosely, of course; he doesn't really have a home anymore).

He pulls out his TemPad and sets it for the TVA. It's either that or go back to Earth, but jet skis can only do so much to heal his soul. And that's not to say that jet skis aren't cool.. They are! They are amazing! They are everything he ever wanted them to be and more, and he will forever be grateful that he finally got the chance to ride one. But unfortunately, his love of jet skis comes second to his grief.

He's about to go back. He has the TemPad set. He opens the door. He's ready. He really is. He really does plan to accept this as the failure it is and go home.

But then Alioth fades away.

And before him lies the ruins of the citadel.

Mobius finds himself frozen, staring out at the weird, beautiful, confusing sight before him. He doesn't even know what he's looking at. It's just... green. Everywhere. At least he knows he's in the right place. Who else would have left all these green, glowy spaghetti noodles floating around if not Loki?

He lifts his gaze, following the noodles to the top, but there is no top. It's just... noodles. Noodles that almost make a tree shape? He won't pretend to understand it, but hey, trees are cool. He can get behind that.

Admittedly, the idea of getting any closer to their glowy spaghetti tree is kind of terrifying, but as far as he knows, Loki should be somewhere around here. If he left, if he could leave, he would have come back. So he's still here. He has to be.


He hopes.

So he marches onward.

("March," of course, being a general term for somewhat-fearfully sauntering into what looks like the type of place one does not have the opportunity to saunter out of – but he tries not to think about that.)

There's not much to look at here. The whole place is, quite honestly, a mess, and just looking at it makes Mobius want to go into interior design – which is going to be difficult because there isn't even really much of an interior here, but he could still do better than this.

These bad jokes aren't doing much to lessen the near-paralyzing fear he feels walking into his place. At least he knows that if he dies, though, he can take comfort in knowing that he's going to die doing what he loves: chasing after Lokis.

This is probably an awful idea, but he's, like, ten feet away from this spaghetti tree and still, nothing is happening, so he might as well do it.


He looks around.



He turns around, and he doesn't know if he's afraid something is going to sneak up on him or if he hopes something will, just to show him that he's not as completely, hopelessly alone as he feels.

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