We do what he do but you dont want to

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Once getting off the last plane you immediatly vomited into your emergancy bag for exactly that.

Soon you realize he had so much planned already.

First he brought the two of you too a cat cafe.

'We could have just done this in new york!'

'Yes but isnt this cat cafe awesome compared to the one back home!'

You attempt to argue back but you cant think of anything.

'Ugh fine you win!'


'But im forcing you too come with me too that shop that sells squishables I saw on the way here and your not getting any plushies.'

He gasps.






'That was for the deal. This is for payback.'

He grumbles on the way in but his mood quickly changes once cats start approaching.


The next day he brings us too a ramen restaurant...

'Oh fuck you...'

He snickers

'Oh riiight you have sensory issues...oops! Must have forgotten in my excitement!'

Now your the one grumbling, but then you remember something.

'Oh well too bad for you, cause I had a bad feeling and decided to bring my comfy headphone thingies to listen to music with! Ha!'

He's grumbling on the way in again.


For two days he actually lets you recover a bit...but than brings the two of you to another place.

Atleast it was the ghibli park.

But ew more socialisation...

While there you get like only plushies...oh also a sweatshirt.

A tototoro plush, No face plush, Soot sprite plush, Haku plush, and a Calcifer sweatshirt.

...than the next day another place...atleast it was that cherry blossom forest he wanted to go too...

Hey look is that a pangolin!

'Hey I think i saw a pangolin!'

'But there arent any pango- And their gone...'

You already walked back to where you thought there was a pangolin which was out of sight from where Tim is right now.

'...Welp im just gonna sit down while waiting for you too come back...'

It was not a pangolin...damn it...all for nothing...ah he was trying too tell you that they dont live here wasnt he-

Heey ladies are trying to be with my b- ah shit their fucking gorgeuos-

My BFF is gay. I however...am also gay lmaoWhere stories live. Discover now