Dancing Tears

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I didn't even look behind me as I headed all the way down to the first floor, knowing exactly where I was gonna be headed. I walked past the shops and through the dining hall, unaware that not far behind me the four animatronics were following me.

I entered the main stage, seeing the hundreds of seats throughout the giant auditorium, but that was not what I was focused on, my target was the stage itself. It was large and had plenty of space.

I took a small head start as I ran and jumped in the air, doing several front flips down the stairs towards the stage, before I stopped right before the stage, looking up at how much space there was and how high it went, to see all the way up to the ceiling of the fourth floor.

Shaking my head, I sighed as I climbed up the steps of the stage, pulling out my rod as it extended in my hand. Using it and touching the floor as I measured out the space towards the center as I walked out onto it.

Standing in the center, I held my rod with both of my hands, as it stood straight up, touching the floor as I took a few deep breaths. I started to spin the rod in my hands with ease, spinning it as I felt the dust on the stage start to pick up quickly and easily as I spun it in front of me. Transferring it to spinning over my head, to me, spinning over my foot and spinning it on my right.

My eyes closed as I focused on my actions at hand. I stopped spinning the rod in my hand, as I held it out forwards, feeling the dust already pick up and shoot up into the air above me. I opened my eyes as I crouched, before jumping up, feeling my hidden powers awaken within me. I looked up as I felt the dust draw closer to me, forming a temporary set of wings, but it wouldn't be a set I used to fly, seeing as it wouldn't be entirely solid.

Tears running down my face as I hovered in the air at least 10 feet, taking smooth, but at the same time strong steps that helped me to glide through the air in my efforts. My hands one at a time dancing in the air in front of me as I felt myself twirl in the air with ease.

I just want to fly

Let the pain go goodbye

I just want to arise

And reach for the sky

Set free the tears of this pain

The shame within my name

They tell me I am only to blame

My dreams go up in flame

I chase away the dreams

Standing at the seams

Yet all I hear is the screams

If only it was as it seems

The things of the make believe

The pain within my own sleeve

But all I can do is greave

While I tremble like a leaf

They seem so far from reach

The pain sucks just like a leech

Yet all that life will teach

Pain stains just like a bleach

I just wanna feel alive

Feel that I can more than thrive

I just wanna take a dive

And say I still strive

I felt tears run down my face as the dust fell back down to the floor, me landing on my knees as I cried on the stage. I just wanted the pain to stop, to disappear, but it seems no matter what it always will reappear.

I picked up my rod and looked up at the ceiling far above me. Holding my rod, I reached into my belt where my grapple hook device was. I split my rod in two and threw them upwards, smiling as they hit the sides of the second floor, before ropes from both pieces shot towards me, me grabbing hold of them as they launched me upwards, I flew up through the air, firing my grapple up at the ceiling where it automatically stuck to it. Instead of my grapple being a hook, it was a suction device that stuck to whatever I wanted. Flying upwards, the two pieces of my rod flew up towards me where they automatically stuck together, at the end of my grapple, so now it looked like I was sitting on a swing high above, which was something I really didn't mind. My legs hanging over my rod, while my hands were wrapped around the rope, I hung there as my tears fell down my face.

The fazwatch on my wrist vibrated as I looked at it to see a message from Freddy. The message asking me to come down since my shift was soon to be over. Looking at the time on my fazwatch, I sighed as I deactivated my grapple, spinning it in the air amidst my fall as it grabbed hold of a far edge of the fourth floor, and swung me towards the third floor, landing right outside another level of Bonnie Bowling. My grapple ending up back on my belt, I held my rod at my side as I used it to support my depressed self while walking toward the security room.

Approaching the prize counter, I saw that Freddy and Roxy were waiting for me. Sighing as I pushed the button on my rod and had it fold back in on itself. Latching it onto my belt as I stood there, looking down at the floor.

"Come on, you need some rest." Freddy spoke as he walked toward me and laid his hand on my back, getting me to look up at him. I shook my head, as I surprised myself by wrapping my arms around Freddy, laying my head on his chest. I guess even when he was forcing the hugs onto me that somehow it got me to want them by the end of my work shift. He clearly didn't expect it when he slowly wrapped his own arms around my trembling form.

Finding him picking me up in his arms as he carried me to wherever the heck he and Roxy were headed, but I was too tired to pay full attention as I ended up having my eyes slowly block out all of the light in the area, succumbing me into the darkness.

I carried Liyra to my room, as Roxy accompanied me back to Rockstar Row. I still couldn't believe what all I was seeing, none of us could. When we saw her just hovering in the air on the stage, it was like magic just happening in front of us.

If she was human, she wasn't any longer as far as we knew. She looked human, but she acted not like any normal human. Though as I held her, I was certain she had not eaten in a while, with how light she was in my arms.

"What are you thinking, Freddy?" Roxy asked.

"I don't know what to think. I just know this girl needs help." I replied.

"Will she accept the help?" Someone asked, as we turned to see Monty walking up to us.

"I think she will accept it, if she realizes we don't want to hurt her." Chica commented.

"For now I think it would be best to let her rest in my room, she may be uncomfortable when she wakes up." Freddy spoke as he addressed the three. "In the meantime the place will be opening up soon and we should make sure we are ready." Headed down to the greenrooms, where his room was, opening the door while closing it right behind himself. He looked down at his couch that had tons of stuffed animals on it, moving some of them aside to lay Liyra down on it, next to one of the giant stuffed animals of himself. Grabbing a blanket, he laid it over her, and closed the curtains to his room so no one would see her. 

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