Punching Walls

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I woke up, feeling very weird as I sat up, finding myself having slept in a small room. There were curtains drawn as I looked around finding a bunch of stuffed versions of Freddy. There was also a mirror in the room with a vanity. I got up from the couch which was honestly, quite comfortable to my surprise. I folded the blanket up and laid it on the side, before I positioned all the plushies back on the couch so it didn't look like I had slept there.

Looking at my fazwatch, I saw that it was currently 7 pm. I truly had been sleeping for a while. Not having much else to do, I scanned my work ID on the sensor and walked out of the room. Walking down rockstar row and figured I would just walk around before I was needed for my next shift.

I walked out of Rockstar Row, and past the main stage, to where the dining area was, seeing people everywhere along with the smell of fresh food in the air. I sighed, as I sat down at a table, my face resting in my hands as I sat there.

"Hey Liyra, how are you feeling?" A voice spoke, getting me to look up, finding Chica walking up to me.

"Um...I'm sorry, I..." Feeling trapped in not knowing what to say. Having been caught in the moment, I tried to come up with a response, before I heard something. Quickly turning my head, looking for the source of the noise. I heard someone yelping in pain, but it wasn't exactly close. I stood up and moved away from Chica in panic, running out of the dinning area and back towards the main stage.

My rod ready and in hand, I slowly entered the main stage, to find a woman being assaulted by a man.

"You do what I tell you. You're my maid, nothing else." The man muttered, as the two had not yet noticed me. I slowly crept up towards them, grateful for how light I was, unable to make a bunch of noise in my step.

Looking down at my watch, I set an alert to my area, letting it be known there was something wrong. As I approached the man, I caught his hand just as he was about to slap the woman again. Startling them both. The man yanked his hand out of my grip as he quickly spun around, fury filled in his eyes as he looked at me.

"Sir, leave this woman alone." I ordered.

"And you take her place, have at it. You are just like every other piece of filth." The man mumbled, smirking. "You just don't know where you stand." He raised his hand up toward me and swung a fist, but I merely raised my hand up and caught it with ease.

"I said leave." I mumbled. Stepping between him and the woman who was bleeding from her lips.

"Fine, I'm leaving." The man replied, walking towards the door, but not without sending a menacing glare towards the two of them. I sighed as I helped the woman up and the two of us headed out of there, me determined to get her to the closest bathroom I could.

The second I got out of the stage, I was shoved to the side, as the same man was holding me on the floor, strangling my neck, but I wasn't bothered.

"You shouldn't have kept your guard down.

"William, just leave her alone." The woman yelled, as she was barely managing to stand as she looked at us both.

"Don't worry about me." I mumbled. "I'm not gonna die today."

"Shut up." The man slapped my face, but it seemed to hurt him more than me as he yelped. I held my rod underneath us both, before pushing a button, having it extend at the most unpredicted, shoving right into where it counts, the man groaned in pain, as I was finally able to get him off of me. I stood up, dusting myself like nothing had happened, but this man wasn't done.

He quickly rushed to get up, a fist flying through the air for my face, and I let it hit, but he immediately whimpered as his fingers broke from hitting me, whereas I was completely fine.

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