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I now find myself at home, staring at peeling yellow wallpaper. 

I lay on my red and white striped bedsheets, contemplating what happened today at flashback cassettes.

The area I called my own was humble, with a petite bed that featured red and white striped bedding. An oak wooden desk occupied the room, displaying solely my Walkman on its surface. A solitary wardrobe stood in the corner of the room, holding a meager amount of clothing. The television was also diminutive, almost not worth taking note of.

god I sounded like a lord or something.

It's not exactly my fault, though. I have a strong vocabulary.

I couldn't help but smile as I heard the familiar sound of a hesitant knock on my door. I knew it was my best friend Phitchit, the boy from Thailand with an obsession for hamsters and a heart of gold.

Pushing aside my thoughts about the silver-haired male from earlier, I got up from my bed and made my way to the door, pulling it open to reveal Phitchit's smiling face.

"Hey," he greeted me, his dark eyes shining with excitement. "How was work today?"

I shrugged, not wanting to go into too much detail about my encounter with the mysterious Russian beauty at Flashback Cassettes. "It was okay," I replied nonchalantly. "Nothing too exciting happened."

Phitchit looked at me skeptically, as if he could sense that I was hiding something. But he didn't push the issue, instead opting to change the subject and talk about his latest hamster purchase.

"The new hamster's name is Victory and she is just adorable, you should really come to see her!" His eyes shined once again with excitement.

I couldn't help but chuckle as I followed Phitchit into the next room, which was lined with various hamster cages of different sizes and colors.

As he lifted the lid off of Victory's cage, I couldn't help but be taken aback by how cute the little hamster was. She was a golden brown color with soft fur and big, curious eyes.

"She's adorable," I said, reaching out to pet her gently. "How many hamsters do you have now?"

Phitchit grinned sheepishly, as if he knew how ridiculous the number was. "I think this one makes twenty-seven," he admitted, scratching his head. "But they're all so cute, I can't help myself."

I shook my head, smiling. "You're insane," I joked, but I couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth in my heart at the sight of his happiness.

"Are you sure nothing happened at work, when you walked into the flat you looked awfully giddy if I do say so myself." He laughed. Phitchit knew me, so there was really no point in hiding it from him.

As I spoke, I could feel my face flush with a rosy tint. "You won't believe it, but there was this guy who came into the store today, his name is Victor. He had the most stunning silver hair and actually works at the roller skating rink just a few streets away. We talked for hours, it was pure magic."

Phitchit's eyes widened in excitement as I spoke, and he grinned from ear to ear. "Oh my god, a guy? And he works at the roller skating rink? You love roller skating! That's so romantic!"

I rolled my eyes playfully, but couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. "I don't know about romantic, but it was definitely something."

Phitchit nudged me playfully. "Don't downplay it, dude! You never know, it could be the start of something amazing."

I shrugged, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement in my chest. "Who knows, maybe you're right," I said, before changing the subject back to his hamsters.

My friend's excitement couldn't be contained as he exclaimed, "Hey, hey, no changing the subject mister!" However, I was saved from further interrogation as the cherry red, landline phone started ringing. Hurriedly making my way to answer it, I immediately recognized the deep Russian accent on the other end of the line, causing my face to turn bright red with embarrassment.

Answering the phone, I attempted to keep a nonchalant tone as I said, "Hello?"

A smooth voice on the other end responded, "Hi, it's Victor. We met at your workplace."

My heart raced as I struggled to play it cool, replying, "Oh, hey Victor. What's up?"

"I was wondering if you'd like to go rollerskating with me tomorrow," he asked.

I was over the moon with excitement, but managed to keep my voice steady as I responded, "Sure, that sounds like fun."

"Great, I'll pick you up at 2 pm then. At the cassette shop?" Victor suggested.

"Sounds perfect," I replied, feeling a burst of happiness.

After hanging up, I turned to my friend Phitchit, who was eagerly waiting to hear the details. "He asked me out!" I exclaimed, my grin growing wider.

Phitchit let out a cheer, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for having such a supportive friend by my side.

As a blush covered my cheeks, I quickly dialed my boss Jackie's number. "Hey, I need to leave work early tomorrow. I have a date," I said, hoping she wouldn't be too upset.

"That's great news!" she replied, although I could sense a hint of annoyance in her voice at first. She quickly added, "Well, it's not like anyone will be in the shop anyway."

Relieved, I thanked her and hung up, feeling grateful for her understanding.

Phitchit tossed me a cherry cola as I contemplated heading to my room to indulge in a movie or two. Eventually, I retired for the night, but my slumber was disrupted by a vivid dream of a particular Russian.

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