Cassette shop days

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Note- short chapter, sorry

Once again, I find myself leaning against the counter of the cassette shop, utterly bored, when Jackie summons me to her office - the same office where I had my interview, adorned with vinyls on all four walls and a birch wood desk. As I enter, I notice that Jackie is dressed more formally than usual, sporting a white blazer that contrasts with her dark red dyed hair, along with a black dress shirt and trousers.

"Yuuri," she speaks softly, "I want you to inherit the shop next month. Follow me on this idea, please."

I'm taken aback by the sudden proposition, but I'm also aware that I lack the financial resources to accept it.

"Don't worry," Jackie reassures me, a sad look in her eyes. "My parents recently passed away, leaving me plenty of money. I don't think I have the moral capacity to continue running the shop, but I don't want to sell it either. You still need a job, so I'm offering you flashback cassettes. I'll continue to pay you the wages you receive currently and cover any inventory losses. Any profits generated from the shop will be yours to keep. I'll be leaving soon anyway. Additionally, I've left all my belongings to you in my will. I hope you accept this offer, Yuuri."

Without hesitation, I accept the offer.

It made sense though, Jackie was nearing her fifties. Despite her rebellious nature.

She had always talked about wanting to travel and explore the world. And with her parent's passing, it seemed like the right time for her to pursue that dream. As for me, inheriting the cassette shop was both enthralling and overwhelming. I had always loved music and had a passion for the subject, but running a business was a whole different ball game.

And in addition, if this happened my dreams of opening a roller rink would vanish.

As I leaned back against the counter, lost in my thoughts, I couldn't help but feel saddened yet thankful for Jackie's trust in me. She had seen something in me during my interview that I had never even noticed in myself - a passion for music that ran deep. And now, with her help, I had the opportunity to turn that passion into a career yet this career could cost a dream.

But before I could embrace this new chapter in my life, there was a lot of work to be done. I needed to learn the ins and outs of running a business, from managing inventory to dealing with customers. And most importantly, I needed to find my own voice and vision for the shop - a way to make it my own while still honoring its legacy.

My dreams of a roller rink were now in the gutter, I looked around the cassette shop, this was a new beginning, a chance to build something from the ground up and make it my own. And with Jackie's support, I knew I could make it a success.

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