Another oppurtunity

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 After approximately 24 hours, I am in the cassette shop laughing with a silver-haired, rebellious man.

 "Is there anything new happening in your life recently?" he asks, his silver hair falling gracefully.

 "As a matter of fact, I'm about to inherit the shop," I reply. 

 "Wow, that's a fantastic opportunity, Yuuri" he exclaims dreamily.

"I know Victor," I respond, beaming with pride. "I never expected this kind of opportunity to come my way, but I'm excited to take on the challenge."

"I'm sure you'll do great," he says reassuringly. "You have a real passion for music, and that's what the shop is all about. You'll be able to share your love of music with even more people now."

I nod in agreement, feeling grateful for his support. With his encouragement, I feel even more confident about the future of the shop and my ability to run it successfully.

While chatting with Victor, I feel more energized and motivated to take on the challenge of running the shop. I thank him for his support and make my way back to the counter.

As I lean against the counter, I take a moment to look around the shop, filled with shelves upon shelves of cassettes and vinyls. I feel a sense of responsibility to preserve this space, to maintain its identity as a hub for music lovers.

I pull out a notebook and start jotting down some ideas for the future of the shop. Perhaps I could expand the selection to include more contemporary artists, or host events for local musicians to showcase their talents. There are so many possibilities.

Lost in thought, I almost don't notice Jackie as she approaches me.

"Yuuri, I need to talk to you about something," she says, her expression serious.

I put down my notebook and give her my full attention. "What is it?"

"I've just received an offer from a developer who wants to buy the building," she says. "They want to tear it down and build a high-rise apartment complex."

My heart sinks. "What does that mean for the shop?"

"If we don't agree to sell, they'll likely use eminent domain to force us out," Jackie says. "We have to make a decision quickly."

Victor interjects, "Have you ever considered selling the shop? You know, you've always talked about your dream of running a roller rink."

I almost forgot he was still here is his denim jacket.

I pause for a moment, feeling overwhelmed by his suggestion. Selling the shop is a major decision, and I'm not sure if I'm ready to let go of my inheritance. However, the prospect of fulfilling my dream while maintaining financial stability is tempting.

"It's hard to imagine letting go of the shop," I reply, feeling hesitant about the idea.

"But just think about it, Yuuri," Victor urges me. "I'm willing to help, free of charge. We could start a new venture together and make it even more successful than the shop."

His words give me pause, and I begin to contemplate the possibilities. The idea of starting a new business venture with Victor is exciting, and I can't help but wonder what the future holds.

As we continue to discuss the possibility of selling the shop, Jackie suddenly disrupts, perhaps feeling left out of the conversation.

"I don't mind that at all," she chimes in. "We could still sell cassettes there and you could achieve your life goals. The deal is the same as before. You'll earn the same money and keep the profit from the rink."

I turn to look at her, surprised by her willingness to compromise. Her words give me a glimmer of hope that maybe this crazy idea could actually work. We continue to talk and plan, fueled by our excitement and determination to make this new venture a success.

Victor's face lights up with excitement at the idea, and I realize that he may be searching for a new purpose in life. Perhaps this roller rink venture could give him the sense of fulfillment he needs. I feel a twinge of guilt for not considering his feelings earlier.

"Okay," I say finally. "Let's do it. I'm willing to give it a shot."

Jackie and Victor exchange a look of triumph, and I can't help but feel a little relieved that they're both on board. It's scary to think about taking such a big risk, but with everyone by me I dont mind that.

We spend the next few hours brainstorming ideas and making plans for the roller rink. Jackie and Victor are full of energy and enthusiasm, and their excitement is infectious.

As we talk, I can feel my own excitement growing. This new venture is a huge risk, but it's also an opportunity to create something truly special. I can't wait to get started.

Eventually, we close up the shop and make our way to a nearby café called nighttime coffee to continue our discussion over coffee. Aparently Victor was familiar with the place. As we sit and chat, I feel a sense of camaraderie with these two unlikely friends.

We sip our coffee, and start discussing the logistics of the roller rink. Victor suggests that we start small, perhaps renting out a small space for a few months to gauge interest in the community.

I never knew he was so smart for a rebel who wasted his life.

It's important to remember that people are complex and multifaceted. We may only see one aspect of someone's life or personality, but there is always more to a person than meets the eye. It's possible that Victor's rebellious nature and perceived wasted life are just one part of his story.

Jackie agrees, adding that we could also start a social media campaign to generate buzz and interest.

"I can help with that," I say, feeling grateful for their support and encouragement.

We continue to talk and plan, fueled by caffeine and our shared excitement. We come up with a name for the roller rink - "Roller Disco Heaven" - and start brainstorming ideas for events and promotions.

As the evening wears on, I start to feel a sense of exhaustion, both physically and mentally. But I can't deny the sense of satisfaction and fulfillment that comes from working towards something meaningful.

As we finish up our coffee, Victor looks over at me with a hopeful expression. "Yuuri, would you like to go out with me again? Maybe we could meet up here again to discuss our plans for the roller rink."

I feel a blush rise to my cheeks at his directness. Despite the fact that we've only known each other for a short time, I find myself drawn to Victor's easy charm and playful nature. "Sure, that sounds great," I reply, smiling.

"Awesome," Victor grins, clearly pleased with my answer. "How about next Saturday at the same time?"

I check my calendar in my notebook and confirm I'm free. "Sounds good to me," I say, feeling a flutter of excitement in my stomach.

Jackie looks up from her notepad, where she's been drawing interior designs. "You two are too cute," she teases, grinning at us.

Victor winks at her. "Don't be jealous, Jackie. There's plenty of love to go around."

We all know he's joking, after all Jackie is probably around twice his age.

We all laugh at his comment, and I feel warmth and happiness spreading through me. Maybe this new adventure won't be so scary after all, with such great people by my side.

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