1|| Bookstore

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Today, I woke up exhausted. I could barely get out of bed. I stayed up all night preparing a speech for my oral presentation for English class. Even tho the presentation was in 4 days, I needed to start practicing.

I considered myself as an organised person, but the reason why I was preparing so early is because in my last oral presentation I completely froze.
Mr. Wells was nice enough to let me do it again in private, but this time is different, he told me that in order to improve I needed to tell my fears to fuck off and try again.

So that is exactly what I'm going to do. At least I'm going to try...

It was a stormy Friday afternoon, I mentally scolded myself for waking up so late. It was the perfect weather to read. But I was running out of books, and that was unacceptable.

I took a quick shower and put some warm clothes. I put on a long sleeve black shirt and wore some black pants.

I ate some leftover pancakes and washed it down with some coffee. I left hurriedly, excited for the new books I would buy.

I decided not to take a cab, and instead walked to the library. I enjoyed stormy weather, it was weirdly relaxing.

Entering the empty bookstore, Miss Launa greeted me and gave me a warm cup or tea. Miss Launa is a kind old lady that has been in this library forever, I seriously believe she's 100 years old.      

As soon as we finished our small talk I went straight to the romance section. Romance, literature, classics and thriller were my favourite types of books. But recently I have been more into romance.

'Pride and Prejudice', interesting.
After realising my arms were about to give out with the amount of books I held, I decided to move to the thriller part.

As soon as I turned my back the bell rang. I didn't mind it tho, I was too focused on the resume of 'The Shining' by Stephen King. Yep, this would keep me occupied.

After about half and hour I felt a presence behind me.

My introverted side told me -no , yelled at me to mind my own business and just keep on choosing books.

My thoughts were cut off when a husky, deep voice spoke, sending shivers down my spine " I see you're into thriller, what do you recommend  ?".
I was completely caught off guard.

I turned around slowly, seeing a familiar face. I just didn't know where I'd seen him before. If I wasn't so terrified I would probably start drooling. This man's existence was just unfair. How could someone look so delicious ?

He had dark brown eyes, almost pitch black, as tall as a tree and possessed  the most sculped face I had ever seen. Some of his buttons were undone and his sleeves were rolled up, exposing his veiny and muscled arms. His whole body was covered with muscles. Damn, does this man live in a gym or something ?

"Do I need to ask again ?" He asked, raising a daring eyebrow. " No-"
I swear that I will die right here.

Two other, equally terrifying men appeared behind him.

Seeing my obvious fright he spoke again, "let me introduce myself. I'm Romano, and these are my brothers."
He pointed to the tall figures behind him.

"Alexi, nice to meet you ,prinzessin". He had dirty blonde hair , broad shoulders and a very muscled body, just like the two other men next to him. His jaw looked sharp enough to cut diamonds and he had the most beautiful emerald green eyes I had ever seen. He looked absolutely terrifying, just like the other two.

"Hello darling, aren't you a cutie. Felix". He took my hand and pressed it to his soft lips, leaving a burning kiss.
He was slightly taller than the others. Everything about him was, edgy...
His body was also shaped like a Greek God and it took my breath away.
A few strands of his jet black hair framed his perfectly shaped face. His  eyes were what entrieged me the most. They were almost void of color. They were green, they looked like a clean lake, everything about him reminded me of a snake, from the color of his eyes to the way his nose was shaped.

"So, what do you recommend?" He- Romano asked again. "I-I'm not sure."
I looked down, I fidged with my hands nervously. Talking wasn't really one of the things I was good at. Except for Miss Launa, Miss Jade, Sophie and Bruce.

Alexi moved forward and lifted my chin with his thick finger. "Why so shy, darling ?"

I couldn't do this.

So I did what any other humain being would do in this situation. I ran.
I didn't just walk away, I fucking ran.
I left all the books I picked out behind and left. Miss Launa gave me a confused look, but I didn't have time to explain.

When I arrived at my apartment I threw myself on my bed.

What just happened...

~       ~         ~         ~
Prinzessin- princess


Yeah, so....
That happened
Hope you enjoyed the first chapter <3

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