10 || introductions

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I haven't seen Sophie and Bruce in a while. I had called them yesterday. Seems like everything is going well. I had planed to go out with them today.

I woke up earlier to start the day in a good note. I put some music on, made my own breakfast, and got ready. I had to admit that I looked good. I was proud of myself.

I was ready so I went to say goodbye to Felix first, as he was probably in his office.

I knocked on the door and came in when I heard him say ' come in '. As I opened the door I was met with a very grumpy looking Felix. Looks like someone has been working the whole night.

Even tho he looked well put together, what gave him away was his disheveled hair.

As he saw me a small smirk formed on his face. "Baby, you look amazing. Is this all for us?".

I smiled at that. "Well, no, I'm going out with my friends, I just stopped by to say bye."

As I said that he lifted a brow. "Oh yeah? Did you ask Romano ?", "No...", "Alexi?", "No...".

"Then where the fuck do you think you're going? Hm ?". "I just -" "I don't even want to hear it Natalie, you're not going out. And next time before you get ready, you should think about asking us first."

I was getting more and more irritated. And the fact that he was still looking at the papers infront of him made me even more mad. He was dismissing me.

"But I just want to go out with my friends !"

He looked up at me with a look in his eyes that I've never seen. "Natalie, I dare you to raise your voice at me again, I dare you. I don't want to hear it, and I also advise you to stop being a brat. Now, you're going to turn around and you're going to leave. Do you understand me ?"

I fought back an eye roll. "Yes, Felix."

I don't care, I'm just gonna ask Alexi.



Saying that I didn't want to spank the fuck out of Natalie would be lying. She had been getting bold. She was getting comfortable and don't get me wrong, I loved it, but now that she feels more comfortable with us I just want to put her in her goddamn place more and more.

She was arguing with Alexi because he wouldn't let her go out today.

We would normally let her go out, but some people might be looking for us. Michael, the head of security, said that there were signs of a break-in in the first gate. It might be nothing, but I would rather not take any chances.

As she continued to whine I finally had enough. I slammed by hand on the table, making her jump. The look of absolute fright was on her face.

We have given her a few spanks here and there when she refused to listen, but we haven't actually given her a real spanking.

But she has been acting out for too long and I didn't like disobedience. Not one bit.

" Natalie, come here," I beckoned her to come closer. She pouted, but held her ground. " Natalie, I swear to god that if I have to come get you, you will be sorry. Now, come here," I said calmly.

This time she moved. As she got closer her steps became shorter. She was hesitant to approach me, she knew what was coming.

When she got close enough I sat her down on my lap.

She looked down on my lap.

I found it adorable that when she knew she was in trouble she would become all shy.

I grabbed her face roughly and made her look at me. " Natalie, when I'm talking to you, you look at me. Understand ?"

I could see her eyes getting watery. "Yes, Romano"

"Good, now we need to have a talk. Text Felix saying that he needs to come here." I handed her my phone so she could text him. After she hit send she handed me the phone and I pocketed it.

About two minutes later we heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

When he saw the heard look on our faces he frowned. "What's going on ?" He asked.

I looked at Natalie. "We all need to have a talk, I think it's time to tell her." Natalie looked up at me. "Tell me what?", "You'll understand soon enough".

"Alright baby, let me start be telling you a few things. If you feel uncomfortable at any point you can ask us to stop.
You may have noticed that we tend to be a bit harcher when you misbehave, and we can sometimes be a bit... intense...
We are into a lifestyle that's called BDSM, now, we know that you know what it is because you suck at hiding anything and we found those books that you read under a pile of clothes. But baby, while this may be something that we enjoy, we would let it go to just be with you. If you don't feel comfortable with it you can say no or maybe you could just try it out." I said this in a calm voice as to not freak her out.

By the end of my speech she was as red as a tomato. After a while she opened her mouth, "Y-you found my b-books ?" She asked, shyly. Alexi grinned, "Yes my love, all of them. They were quite heavy if I do say so myself".

I softly lifter her head to look at me. "You don't have to to anything you don't want to do, alright ?"

She nodded.

I just held her. She got more comfortable on my lap as I caressed her head.

Suddenly she just nodded. "I want to, this is something that I want."

No words could describe how happy I was. I softly kisses her crown. This was a delicate moment for her, so I just wanted her to be as comfortable as possible.

"Alright baby. There are a few other things that we want you to think about. First, you will need a safe word, do you know what that is ?" I asked. She slowly nodded her head.

"Good. I need you to choose one right now. Can you do that ?"

She nodded again. I would soon tell her to respond to me verbally, but let's leave that for another time. "Green," she said.

"Good. Now that last thing that we need to tell you is that we have titles. And I think you even might enjoy this one. We like to be called daddy. You don't need to call us that at all times, mostly when we're doing something sexual. Would you like that ? Would you like having three daddys dominating you ? Hm ?"

I felt her shiver.


"Yes what ?"

"Yes, daddy"

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