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She was on my lap while I worked. She was sleeping peacefully as I typed into my computer.

She liked being in our office while we worked. Either sitting in our laps or just being on her phone on the couch next to the desk. She likes attention, it's something that she demands alot.

We had introduced her into what we liked a couple of days ago. She hadn't stopped blushing for days everytime she saw us.

She has also been more careful. She was naturally a brat, even though she was shy. But now knowing that it wouldn't just be just a warning spank that she would get, she has been more carful with her words and her actions. But I knew she liked it, that's for sure, and I wanted to be the one who gave it to her.

It was comforting being around her.

I had also noticed that she would blush every time we would give her orders. She was a kinky little one, but we didn't find it weird. In fact, we loved it.

She started to squirm on my lap, she was about to wake up.

She groaned


"Yes, love ?" I say, rubbing her back, lulling her to sleep again. She was tired and grumpy when she came in here, she should sleep for at least another hour.

"How about you sleep a bit more, baby ? So that you don't get grumpy later." I said, pressing a kiss on her temple.

She hugged me tighter.

"But I'm not tired anymore."

"Okay then, let's wake up."

I got her up and she stood in front of me, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"How about we go downstairs? Hm?" She nodded.


She was wide awake by the time we got downstairs.

She crawled in Romano's lap excitedly and started bouncing.

I could see him getting mad. He had been very busy, and he was stressed. And her jumping on his lap almost made him drop his computer.

He smiled, trying not to be rude.

" Yes, liebe?", he asked, raising an eyebrow.

She looking at him upset all of a sudden and hit his chest lightly.

I could see him getting more upset by the second. She was gonna get her ass spanked if she didn't stop.

" Romano, you know that I don't understand what you're saying when you talk like that." She said, pouting.

He looked at her confused.

"And ?", he said.

She pouted even more. "And you can't do that. What if I just started talking a language that you didn't speak? You wouldn't like that, now would you?"

He rubbed his forehead and turned to Alexi who was on his phone on the couch, not even paying attention to us.

"Alexi, nimm sie, ich bin dabei, ihr den Hintern zu versohlen, und wenn ich das tue, wird sie weinen und Dinge sagen, die dazu führen, dass ich sie wieder versohlen will. Ich verliere langsam die Geduld, also bitte -"

Before Romano finished talking she slapped his chest again.

"Romano I told you to stop-"

If I hadn't been paying attention I probably wouldn't have seen it.

Romano got up, and bended her over the table.

She was trying to break free but Romano held her down.

Without a word he slid her pants down and laid the first slap on her bottom that echoed through the house.

"Romano, I'm-"

Another slap was delivered to her bottom,
And another,
And another.

"I don't think I heard you right, what do you call me when you act like a spoiled brat ?" He asked, his words laced with venom.

She sobbed into the counter, she looked at me for help, but I gave her a harsh glare. She deserved it, she knew what she had coming.

He laid another slap to her bottom when she didn't answer.

"D-daddy. I-i'm s-sorry, d-daddy," She sobbed.

I almost felt sorry for the little girl, almost.

After a few slaps her legs gave out.

Romano turned her around and grabbed her face roughly, making her look at him.

"The next time you pull a stunt like that, your punishment will be unreal. You don't hit me, and you especially don't talk to me like that. Do you understand?"
He said.

She nodded.

She cried out as another slap was delivered to her bottom.

"I said, do you understand?"

"Yes, d-daddy," She nodded furiously.

He picked her up and took her upstairs.


I held her in my arms as she cried.

We were in room, as I held her in my arms and shusshed her.

I petted her head. And whispered sweet nothings in her ear.

She was sobbing.

I didn't mean to go that hard on her, but I was already stressed enough.

While I knew that I shouldn't have gone that hard on her, she sertaintly had it coming.

I took the soothing cream for the drawer put it on the bed.

Ad I was lowering her shorts she started sobbing hysterically.

"N-No more, n-no more, d-daddy I'll be a good girl, I'll be a good girl-",

"Shh, my baby, it's okay now, you're okay. It's over now. Daddy just wants to put some lotion on you. Is that okay with you? It will make it feel better I promise, baby."

She nodded shortly.

I gently applied the soothing cream to her ass and she sighted in relief.

After a while I felt her breaths turn even and I laid down with her in my arms.

I kissed her crown and caressed her until I eventually fell asleep.


Translations -

"Alexi, nimm sie, ich bin dabei, ihr den Hintern zu versohlen, und wenn ich das tue, wird sie weinen und Dinge sagen, die dazu führen, dass ich sie wieder versohlen will. Ich verliere langsam die Geduld, also bitte-" -
Alexi, take her, I'm about to spank her, and if I do, i'll spank her, she'll cry and say things that will make me want to spank her again. I'm starting to lose patience, so please....

Liebe -Love


Hey babes, it's been a while, sorry for not updating. I won't promise anything because to be honest I don't know when I'm going to write, I just do it when I'm not tired.
Anyways, kisses.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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