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As Vegas didn't allow Porchay to help him in the kitchen, so after a while observing how the other man moves around the kitchen, Chay decides to go take a shower.  He goes to the bathroom, takes a relaxing shower, he was nervous about that dinner, because it felt like a date.  Is it if he should dress up for this dinner like it's a date or pretend disinterest?  Does he pretend to be ignorant?  At the end of the shower, he realized that he forgot to take clothes into the bathroom and change there, he pulls the towel tied around his waist, looks at the hallway to confirm that it was empty and runs into his room, places his hand on his chest to soften trying to calm down from the run, he starts looking at the closet with clothes and drops the towel to get dressed.

- Chay, what's going on?  - Vegas stops at the door, Chay covers himself with the first blouse he takes from the closet, the older man is about to turn around and give privacy to the younger one when he realizes what is still in the boy's bed - Why is it still there?

- I hadn't gone back to the room yet, but I'll leave it in my closet - Porchay says nervously picking up the towel from the floor, Vegas still hasn't left his room and was half naked.

- Do you want a souvenir from your ex?  - Vegas asks, the jealousy was double, for the possibility of Porchay wanting to keep the present to remember Kim and the certainty that Kim saw Chay naked there in the room.

- No, we can leave it in the basement with the painting too - Chay shrugs he had managed to put on a shirt and was trying to put his underwear under the towel.

- Or I can give you a better one if you want a plush, I'm taking it here, do you mind?  - Vegas asks staring at Chay.

-No-Chay is shy with Vegas' gaze going down his body as if he could now undress him with just the look.

- Excellent.

Vegas leaves the room, staring at the eye of the toy where he knew the camera was.

- I really hope you didn't see that - Vegas takes a bottle of alcohol, a can and walks out of the house - Do you want a bonfire, boys?

All the men who were taking their rest looked at him confused and scared, coming from that man that could be a threat to anyone there, they preferred to watch his actions in silence.  Vegas bent down, put the can on the ground, the bear on top, poured the alcohol over the bear and lit the lighter.

- Ready.

Everyone exchanged an even more confused glance, Black was the only one with a half smile on his face, he remembered that sheep, he was who watched all the video calls and he who put it on the bed.  Apparently Porchay already owned that house and not even Vegas would question that.

Porchay was still in the livingroom smiling a little dumbfounded by the scene of jealousy he had witnessed.  Vegas returns to the house much calmer, goes to his room, takes a shower, when he leaves Chay is in the living room looking out the window of the house.

- Hey.

- Is it just me or is the stuffed sheep burning in that can over there?  - Porchay is laughing at the other's jealousy - All this out of jealousy?

- I'll bring you a better one tomorrow and everything will be fine, how about that?  - Vegas evades the question pulling the smaller one by the forearm to stand up - Now let's eat, or it'll get cold.

– It smells great – Porchay says.

- I'll give you 50 silver if you say that my food is the best in front of Off - Vegas proposes.

- Done - Porchay nods and extends his hand as if closing a serious deal with the other one.

Vegas served his plate, he was excited to see the youngest's reaction, grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses.  Porchay knew he just can drink alcohol when he'll be 21, but Vegas didn't seem interested in that, so he preferred not to argue.  The older one poured both glasses and sat down across from Chay.

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