Uncovered Secrets

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On spring break so gotta make good use of this time.
Going to be literal shit
Credits to my friend, Hikaru for the angst ideas!!
After Mafuyu's mom heard another name from 25ji she decides to go investigate more about this person..

Days pass and Mafuyu's mom thinks throughly before she starts to investigate. She takes the opportunity when Mafuyu is out of the house and forgotten her phone, she takes it to try and find Mizuki's contact.

At first she decides to stalk their personal life to get a glimpse of their personality.

"(They don't attend school?!)" "(What is this awful attendance?!)"

Then one day, Mafuyu's mom was out in Miyamasuzaka, when she saw Mizuki walking out of a retail store holding bags with an amused smile on their face.

Mafuyu's mom approaches Mizuki and gets their attention. Mizuki turns around with a confused look, "eh? who are you?"

"I am Mafuyu's mom and I am assuming you're Mizuki Akiyama?"

Mizuki was shocked that Mafuyu's mom knew their name, "H-How..do you know my name?"

"It doesn't matter but I want to ask you something and give you two choices.."

Mizuki gulps but Mafuyu's mom soothes her voice.

"Oh don't worry sweetie, it's nothing bad for you to get worried about."

Mizuki calms down a bit but as Mafuyu's mom opens her mouth, Mizuki is shocked..

"How do you live with yourself?" "Living in this lie." "Being someone you really aren't."

Mizuki was shocked..beyond words...they didn't know what to say...

"I have my sources, but please answer my question."


"Now Im going to ask you..,

either you cut your hair and become the boy you are or you cut off all contacts with Mafuyu."

"(Cut...off all contacts...with Mafuyu...?)"

Mizuki contemplates...then...answers

"I...will cut my hair...and return to my old self...."

"Alright, good choice little boy." "Considering you don't want to abandon your friend."

Mizuki was on the verge of tears...returning back to their normal self...

"In the future you will thank me for correcting your wrongs my dear."


As Mizuki returns to their house..they think if they had made the right choice.

"(For...Mafuyu's sake...and our friendship.....I will...revert myself...back to who I was before...)"

Mizuki held a pair of scissors and took the ribbon they had on their hair..


Mizuki tears up as they see their hair falling onto the floor...reverting back to who they were before...

They cut their hair back to what they had in middle school..and changed their personality..as the "boy" they really are...

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