Alternate Ending Fluff (MafuKana)

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Heya guys Im back
Ever since Mafuyu's mom started hovering over Mafuyu, she couldn't do the things she loved anymore and after some time of thinking. She finally decided to confront her mom and tell her about her true feelings..

(Somewhat based on Saying Goodbye to My Masked Self)
Mafuyu / Mafuyu's mom



"Im so sorry for the constant nagging and not letting you do what you want.."

"I know Im a bit strict but Mafuyu..this is for your sake."

"I wanted you to be happy and have good future which was all I was thinking about.."
"Because...this was your mother's happiness.."

(She starts to cry)

"Mother please don't cry..I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you upset.."
"I didn't mean to do this...I never wanted to hurt you mom.."
"I just..wanted to let you know how I feel.."
"Im sorry.."
Mafuyu / Kaito / Miku
"Snap out of it, she's trying to manipulate you."
"Don't be swayed by her words"

"What you are feeling right now, this is your true self."

" matter what we'll always be here for you.."
"So please..protect your feelings.."
Mafuyu / Mafuyu's mom

"Mom..I'm sorry.."
"But, I want you to understand my true feelings!!"


"It's always been so painful..having to meet your expectations..but I wanted to make you happy so I kept doing it despite it not making me happy. Then..I met Kanade and the others and sought out music making as a kind of hobby..but..after all this time..I realized that music making is what I truly wanted to do the most..not being a doctor..I want to continue making music with Kanade and the others so please..don't take that away from me.."

"The thought taking away my happiness...with Kanade and the others...

I hate it...!!"



"After this whole discussion you still want to chase after music making? Thinking about your friends? You're only going after the fun in your life and not the important things."

"If you keep running away from everything painful right now, you'll regret it later."

"I..understand what you're trying to say making is something I can't let go..!!"

"Both music well as Kanade and the others..!!"

"You don't understand anything!!"

"I should have never given you the technology, knowing you'd start making music behind my back and talking to strangers online?!!"


"If I knew you would do such stuff I would have never given you your computer or synthesizer."

"Listen closely Mafuyu.."

"The one who truly care for you aren't your friends, it's your mother!!"


(She...cares for me..? But..if she did...she wouldn't be trying to take away the things I love most in life..)

Flashback - Mizuki
"There are times..where you can't handle the situations you're told to's always okay to run away.."

"Not for anyone else, but for you, for your sake."
Mafuyu / Mafuyu's mom

"Why don't we try again Mafuyu?"

"Mom will work alongside with you now."


"....!!!" Mafuyu runs away

At Kanade's house

"Go outside."

"She needs you." Kaito says

"Who..?" Kanade questioned but suddenly realization hit her..


Kanade closes her room door and rushes outside in the pouring rain

Mafuyu / Kanade

"Mafuyu..? Where are you..?"


"Oh..Mafuyu.." Kanade hugs Mafuyu, calming her down and after Mafuyu explained her whole situation...Kanade offered something..

"Do you...want to come live with me..?"

Mafuyu was crying so much she couldn't respond but nodded in agreement..
Months later however, Mafuyu noticed how Kanade would always slightly blush when she was talking to her and when it happened again she questioned. (Gonna go a little ooc)

Mafuyu / Kanade

"Fufu..Kanade you're blushing.."
"I-I am..?"
"Is there something you want to tell me?"

Kanade mustered all the courage she could and finally confessed to why she was blushing all the time.

"I-I like you Mafuyu.."
" me..?"

Mafuyu didn't know how to respond but she took Kanade's chin and kissed her softly on the lips which caused Kanade to turn bright red.

"Fufu..I see you're all red again~"

"It's cause you kissed me Mafuyu.."

"I know silly~"
Months had passed and Mafuyu had completely left her mother for Kanade and she was much happier at Kanade's house instead of her own and at one point, Kanade and Mafuyu became a couple and the two were known to be adorable towards Ena and Mizuki. Mafuyu learned to be more open towards Kanade, talking to her about her discomforts and helping her out when she needs it.

The two were a happy couple and nothing was standing in between of their love.

"Kanade..thank you..for saving me when I needed it the most..thank you so much.."

Mafuyu gently kisses Kanade on the forehead

                            "I love you.."
Okay I lied a little bit
It was more angst than fluff but that's okay it's finee
Hope you enjoyed bye bye
Word count: 838

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