Chapter 17

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I quickly found out the name of the new tax collector and planned on meeting up with him but that was when the children came into my room.

"Mom, I want to learn how to forge blades."

I turned to Light with a frown:

"Isn't that a bit dangerous for a child?

-No. I am a talented person, mom. Everything will be fine.

-Darling... Do you know how blades are forged?

-No, that's the reason why I want to learn.

-You have to use very hot metals to forge. There is a reason why adults are doing it. I think that you are way too young to learn that."

Light frowned:

"I see... When can I learn?

-I think we should wait until you are 16 years old. What do you think.

-Then I will wait until then.

-Thank you for understanding. Did you have something else to say?"

Light looked at Elm who started playing with his fingers:

"I want to learn how to ride a horse.

-That can be done. I will find a good teacher for you three."

Elm's face illuminated:


-Of course. And Light, even if you are too young to learn, I could take you to a swordsmith so you can see how he works.


-Of course.

-Thank you mom! You are the best!"

I then turned to Lichen:

"What would you like to do?"

Lichen started fidgeting seeing everyone look at her:

"I don't know...

-It's okay. Take your time. Do you have something that you would like to try out? Like Elm who wants to learn how to ride a horse?


She had no idea what to say and that hurt my heart. Did anyone ever ask this child what she wanted to do?

"You can do whatever you want. Just tell me and I will be there for you. You can take your time to think it over."

Light wasn't as patient as I was and started proposing ideas:

"You could learn to paint. You like colors. Or you could learn to make dresses. Or you could learn how to grow plants. Or..."

What he forgot to do was to give time to Lichen to answer and seeing the young princess panic because of all these possibilities made me smile.

"There are a lot of things that you could do. Maybe we should give Lichen time to decide for herself."

Light nodded:

"I think that's for the best."

I had to hold back a laugh. Did he think that? He was the one who couldn't stop suggesting things. After that Lichen thought about what she wanted very hard. She thought about it way harder than I would have thought and I could see her eyes out of focus the whole day. When she came up to me again she couldn't stop staring at her shoes while playing with her dress:

"I would like to have tea with her Highness."

I frowned. Did I hear her correctly? She wanted to have tea with Satin? I had completely forgotten about her existence because I haven't seen her in days. I couldn't forgive her for ignoring her child all these years but of course it would be different for Lichen. Satin was her mother after all.

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