Chapter 15 - Distractions

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Charlotte wanted to hide under a rock for the rest of her life. She wasn't the type of person to have a lot of shame but seriously, what the fuck was that?

She sat at the table with a cup of warm wine. It smelled spicy and she had to admit her nerves calmed with each swallow. She was pretty sure one of the females in the tent with her had drugged it. But at this point, she didn't mind. Maybe the drugs would help with the flaming embarrassment she felt.

Her hands were still trembling slightly but at least she could breathe and think now.

God, it was like she was there again. In the moment. She could hear her team, smell the biomech suite around her. For some reason, it had felt claustrophobic. She'd never been claustrophobic before. The suit had always made her feel strong, powerful. Free.

What's happening to me? Am I going soft?

The tent flap opened and evening light filtered in as Ahnekk entered the tent.

Had he seen her freak out? She couldn't remember...

He was followed by a Uu'k'ash she had never seen before. He was actually elderly.

His thick hair was streaked with white and the scruff on his face was as white as snow. He wasn't as thick as the warriors. In fact, he almost looked thin. On his shoulder, he carried a large leather case.

She turned in her seat, frowning at the newcomer, wondering what was in the case.

"Charlotte," Ahnekk said with a nod. He turned to the elderly Uu'k'asht and said, "Godrar,"

Godrar glanced between Ahnekk and Charlotte, his metallic eyes curious and slightly excited, and Ahnekk nodded to him.

Godrar made his way to the table, unslinging the case from his back and carefully propping it up against the table in a way that told her there was something inside he considered of great value.

Whatever it was, it was big. It had to stand at least as tall as she did and would almost be the same span as her shoulders.

He stared at her for a moment, taking her in, and she stared back. 

Glancing at Ahnekk he said, "I wouldn't have thought humans were so small," or something like it. She missed a few words here and there but that was the gist.

Charlotte wanted to roll her eyes. She was tall for a woman. Boy were they in for a surprise if they came across any other humans. Ben was slightly taller than she was but Vasquez was a whole head shorter than she, and petite for a man. Not that it stopped him from behaving like the biggest guy in the room.

Godrar asked a question she didn't catch except for the words for all, and small and she guessed he was wondering if all humans were as little as she was.

Narrowing her eyes, she considered showing him just what this little human was capable of. Godrar didn't look like a warrior. She was pretty sure she could take him down. But he was also an old dude. Could she smack the elderly?

Guess we'll find out, she thought, if he keep talking shit about how little I am.

Ahnekk shrugged but said nothing.

With a sigh, Godrar started opening the latches on his case. Carefully, he pulled something made from wood out of it.

Charlotte stood with a gasp and the elderly Uu'k'asht froze, hands still on what was obviously some kind of instrument.

Everyone watched her curiously as though wondering if she was about to have another fit. God, she hoped she wasn't about to. Whatever Godrar was going to do with that instrument, she needed to hear it. It felt like years since she'd heard music. She was beginning to think the Uu'k'asht didn't even have music.

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