Chapter 43 Tactical Advantage

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***Note: This chapter contains scenes of sexually explicit material***

Shodara's lithe body squirmed and undulated as Charlotte stroked her. Her breasts rose into the air as her back arched in pleasure and the sight of her made Charlotte's stomach clench. The golden veins that laced through her dark gray skin glittered in the firelight and her white hair was a sexy tangle around her head.

Charlotte stroked upward, catching one of the nubs inside Shodara's hot channel and the tall Uu'k'asht female cried out in ecstasy.

"I'm insanely jealous you have so many of these, on the inside," Charlotte breathed, laying a trail of kisses on Shodara's belly, reaching up with her other hand and fondling her breast. 

Shodara ran her fingers along Charlotte's shoulders and tangled them in her hair, gripping firmly as her body undulated once more with a sexy moan.

She moved up her body, laying kisses on her velvet skin until she came to her breasts. Charlotte dragged her lips from one nipple to the other, barely caressing her and savoring how Shodara's body shuddered, entranced by her sharp intakes of breath and little whimpers.

Circling her nipple with her tongue, she marveled at how Uu'k'asht were velvety all over, but their nipples, palms, and privates were bald and Shodara's nipples were pure satin.

Sucking her nipple into her mouth, she sucked hard, then pulled, letting her nipple go and letting her teeth scrape lightly over the tight little bud.

Shodara's body clenched and she screamed in ecstasy as the orgasm hit her. She shuddered and whimpered and Charlotte watched her beautiful face as she came, making sure to continue stroking her, slower and slower, allowing her to come down easy before she pulled her fingers out of her, her hand covered in Shodara's juices.

Charlotte moved up her body and kissed her gently and Shodara purred, arms wrapping around her.

"That was incredible," Shodara said when Charlotte let her breathe again.

"You are incredible," Charlotte said. "I could watch you cum a thousand times and never tire of the sight."

Shodara laughed softly and ran her fingers down the length of Charlotte's back.

"Next time, my Charlotte. You will be at my mercy."

"I can't wait," Charlotte said. "But I will have to. You are going to be late if you stay in this bed any longer."

Shodara groaned and looked at the grey sky outside the window.

"You're right," she grumbled ruefully.

With a shrug, Charlotte said, "There's always tonight."

Shodara sighed and ran her knuckles down Charlotte's cheek. "Will you be okay without me?"

Charlotte raised an eyebrow.

"I guess I should be asking if everyone else will be okay without me. Do try not to kill anyone while I'm away."

"I make no promises," Charlotte whispered, leaning in and kissing Shodara again.

Shodara chuckled and Charlotte rolled off of her so she could sit up.

Looking down at her, Shodara said, "I love you, Charlotte."

"I love you too, Sho," Charlotte said as Shodara pushed herself off the bed and pulled a robe around her shoulders.

Shodara left the room quietly and Charlotte rolled onto her belly, cradling her head on her arms and letting her mind drift. She felt herself drifting back to sleep but snapped back when the door opened again.

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