Chapter 60 - Something Bigger

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***Note: This chapter contains sexually explicit material***

"Hey, baby," Vasquez said gently as
Emiko's eyes fluttered open.

She frowned, her eyes focusing slowly on him as she swallowed thickly.

"Did-did Nichols make it?" she croaked.

"He's still alive," Vasquez said with a huff, not surprised one bit that she would immediately ask after the injured man.

She blinked slowly, nodding.

"I brought you some broth. It's some kind of alien stuff but it tastes good and won't kill ya," he said, holding up the oversized cup.

She blinked a few more times, starting at the cup, before she pushed herself up with a wince.

"That Uu'k'asht doctor gave me some of that numbing goo. You need it?" he asked, suddenly concerned.

Emiko shook her head. "No. Doesn't hurt. I'm just stiff."

Vasquez nodded. "Yeah, getting shot will do that."

She snorted indelicately and took the cup.

He felt a jab of guilt as he dwelled on her injury, but he pushed it away. He knew it wasn't his fault, but he still felt shitty that he hadn't been able to protect her.

Taking a sip, her dark, canted eyes watched him with keen intelligence.

"What's eating at you?" she asked.

Vasquez inhaled deeply and blew out the breath, rubbing a hand over his head.

"So many things," he admitted. "but mostly... I want to know if we're done pretending."

Emiko watched him as the room dropped into silence. He could only see her dark eyes over the rim of the large cup.

The silence stretched.

His heart pounded and his palms were sweaty.

"Look," he finally said, unable to stand the silence any longer, "The last month with you has been... amazing. And, you know, just saying, I could pretend longer. That is... if you... could pretend longer."

God, he sounded like a freaking child. Xochitle could feel heat rising in his face.

Emiko lowered the cup and licked her perfect, rosebud lips. She swallowed slowly, still watching him.

"How about..." she finally said, "How about we stop pretending, and try this... for real?"

It felt like the breath had been punched out of him as relief slammed through his heart, loosening his chest, releasing the iron bands he hadn't even realized were sinched down around his chest.

"Oh, fuck me," he said. "Er, sorry, I just... shit I was really... freaking scared you were gonna say something else."

She dropped her eyes and shrugged. "I guess... I guess I've enjoyed the last month more than I thought I would too. You're a good man, Xo. Better than I ever thought I'd meet in my lifetime and... well, I'm not ready to let you go yet, that is, if you are okay with spending more time with someone who's not your type."

Vasquez suddenly couldn't keep the smile from his face. His cheeks were aching in seconds as he pulled the cup from Emiko's hands and placed it on the nightstand beside her.

Scooting in closer, he took her beautiful face in his hands and leaned in. She leaned back. "I haven't brushed my teeth!" she protested.

"I don't care," he said before pressing his lips to hers.

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