Chapter 51 - Livin' on a Prayer

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"Move!" Vasquez urged when they exited the lab into an empty corridor.

"Cameras," Charlotte said, jerking her chin to the little, black half-globes on the ceiling.

"Not a problem," Vasquez said. "I've already looped them. Anyone watching will see nothing but empty hall. Birthday, on point, shield up if you can make one."

"Copy, Flower," Tasha said.

Charlotte frowned at Vasquez. "Since when can you do something like that?" she asked as Tasha moved into position and brought his hand up.

She hadn't been able to see Uu'k'asht magic before she had Lilly put inside her, but now she could see and feel it. It was a dome of pale gold light that filled the corridor. Somehow, she could tell it wasn't as strong as it should be. She was pretty sure bullets would still penetrate it.

"Seems Vas has been holding out on us," Ben grumbled as they approached an intersection.

"No shit," Charlotte said, then frowned at Ben. "I'm surprised to see you here," she added. "Helping a slut like me."

"Well, I'm fuckin surprised to fuckin be here," he said, refusing to meet her eyes.

"Then why are you here?" she asked as they passed the intersection and moved to the next. Charlotte's steps were carrying her higher than she would have liked. After months in full gravity, she felt clumsy in the lower spin gravity of the ship.

Ben didn't say anything for a long moment. Finally, he said, "Because, at the end of the day, you saved my ass at the expense of your own. I owe you and... you're Delta."

His words were laced with bitterness, but they still squeezed her chest with warmth. Maybe he didn't hate her after all. Still, he'd tried to slut-shame her. She didn't think she would be forgiving that soon.

"So, your change of heart had nothing to do with the fact that your slut ass has  a higher body count than me," she surmised.

"My body count doesn't include aliens," he shot back.

"Only because you haven't had the chance. We both know you'd fuck one if one were willing."

"Only if they weren't an enemy," he growled.

"They're all our enemies. And I didn't just fuck an enemy. I fucked four of them and it was awesome. Best sex I've ever had in my life," she said, watching him with a mirthless grin.

He turned his head slowly and looked at her. "Four?" he exclaimed.

"She is mated into Helkta Ahnekk's shelen," Tasha supplied without looking back. "He has three heartmates. Four now, with Charlotte. "

"Jesus, you're in a harem? Or, like a freaking sister-wife?" Ben asked in disappointment.

"No, dumbass, it's not a harem. Three of them are male and with how many times Shodara has gone down on me I wouldn't call her my sister," Charlotte said.

Anerudo's feet tangled and he gasped as he fell on his face.

"Okay, you two," Vasquez said, "You're distracting the children. Please shut the fuck up."

"Copy," Charlotte said.

"Yes, sir," Ben said as Anerudo picked himself up off the floor and glanced around in embarrassment.

"Char, take this. I won't be using it," Vasquez said, pushing his rifle into her hands. 

She took it, checked the mag, and preferring controlled bursts, switched it to semi-auto. Fitting the stock to her shoulder, she continued forward, aware that Joktath was watching her carefully. Apparently, he was taking his position as her guardian seriously and she wasn't going to take that from him. He'd been helpless in a cage a lot longer than she had and probably needed to feel useful and in control of something.

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