{Age 5}

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Tao Pov
"Morning Tao!" Toya called tackling me into a tight hug. A small giggle escaped my mouth before I pushed my brother away. "Ow!" he wined, pouting at me.

"Toya! Training now!" I heard a booming voice yell as the towering figure of my father stood in front of us, Endeavor. He grabbed Toya by the wrist before yanking him towards the training room. I carefully tiptoed after making sure Enji wouldn't notice me as I moved.

"You have to be stronger!" Endeavor shrieked while landing a strong punch to my brother's face. That's when mother jumped in the way.
"He's only five!" she yelled, fear engulfing hers
"He's already five!" he responded grabbing her by the hair and throwing her across the room. My entire body began shaking as I spotted a small drizzle of blood beginning to roll down my Mum's face.

"Tao-ane will Toya-nii be ok?" I heard the shaky voice of my younger sister ask. She was almost my hight as I'm not even a year older than her.
"He'll be fine..." I told her grabbing her hand comfortingly. I held it tightly in my grip. "Come on we need to check on Natsu," I told her walking towards our two month old younger brother's room. He was sleeping peacefully in his crib, the calmest in the family.

Fuyumi fell asleep after a while but I refused to in order to see if my brother would be ok. I sneaked out of Natsu's room and headed towards the training room.

When I arrived, I could see Mum bandaging up Toya. She turned around to me her eyes wild with fear before calming after seeing it was only me that was there. As I'm her mirror image (other than that one growing patch of red hair, pretty unnoticeable right now) I tend to scare her less when I come over.

That night, Mum took Toya to our room and I kept a close eye on him throughout the night. I failed to protect him...

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