{Age 14}

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I opened my eyes and looked around. Where am I? It had hospital equipment but looked more like a kid's bedroom. My gaze flickered around the room. Why can't I see properly? I can't see on my right? I turned around catching sight of myself in the mirror. What the fuck..? The right side of my face was burnt, only connected to the left by staples holding it together. I pulled up my sleeve, revealing even more scarring covering my arm. My eye seemed to be there just colourless and not willing to work as it should.
"You're awake!" someone called, I snapped my head back to see a man standing there. He had a kind smile on his face and didn't look like a doctor. Who the hell is this guy?
"Miss Sleepyhead is finally awake!" a kid said.
"What does she mean?" I asked. What happened to my voice?! It's not this deep.
"You've been asleep for 10 months," the man informed me. What...? My hands began to shake uncontrollably, my heartbeat was increasing.
"Toya! What happened to my brother?!" I yelled.
"He's still in a coma but alive," he told me.
"Can I see him?" I asked, my voice cracking.
"Sure," He replied. He led the way, and I had to stop myself from sprinting. He opened a door. My brother was laying in a bed, his arms and face covered in burns along with wires connecting to his body. I placed my hand on his arm, tears rolling down from my left eye. Thank god he's alive. I gripped his hand in my hand, silently begging for him to wake up but it didn't happen. He looked peaceful, I haven't seen him so calm since we were little. Don't die on me...
"Young Todoroki, I have a job for you," someone spoke, my eye shot wide open looking around for who spoke. The man from earlier left, who is speaking. "I am speaking through the TV, I am here to made a deal with you," they spoke.
"Who are you?" I said, trying to hide my fear.
"I am All for One and I am offering you a chance to join the League of Villains," he spoke.
"What if I don't?" I asked cautiously.
"You're family thinks you're dead, you have no other home to return to, the League is your only chance to have any home," he told me.
"What..?" I muttered, my voice shaking.
"You're no longer a Todoroki, join me, join the League of Villains," he requested.
"Of course," I responded with a new found confidence.

A few hours later a tall man walked into the room Toya was sleeping in. I looked up at him.
"I am All for One, I would like to introduce you to someone," he said beckoning me over.
"I'll be back Toya," I whispered, holding he could hear me, even though I know he can't. Afo took me into another room. There was a small boy with light blue hair playing video games on his bed. He had hand covering him, one on his face. Probably shouldn't ask about that.
"Meet Tomura Shigaraki, my successor," Afo introduced, the boy looked over at me.
"Nice to meet you," I greeted a small smile on my face. He waved before turning his attention back to his video game.
"I would like you to help take care of him for a while," Afo told me as he left the room. I sat beside Tomura for a while, helping him pass a level every now and again. Obviously not a talkative one.

At the end of the day, I went back to Toya and stayed with him. Don't die on me Toya...

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