{Age 12}

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"Toya! Get your ass back here!" I called, chasing after him.
"I'm going to train and you can't stop me!" he yelled, heading towards Sekoto Peak.
"What the hell is wrong with you!?" I screamed, grabbing his wrist.
"Off!" He yelled, setting his wrist ablaze.
"Ouch! You're crazy!" I responded, heading back towards the house. I cautiously opened the door, scanning the room for any sign of Endeavor. The only person I managed to spot was my 4 year old brother, Shoto, curled up on the sofa, fast asleep. A small smile made its way to my face as I sat beside the younger boy. I've rarely ever seen him since Endeavor banned him from ever interacting with us. I ran my hair through his multicoloured hair. After about five minutes, his eyes opened slightly.

"Tao?" he asked rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
"That's right Sho," I told him, hugging him gently. He placed his head onto my side, cuddling into me. He looked up at me, a bright smile covering his face. I gave him a small smile in return.

I smelt burning, at first I thought it was Toya burning himself again but it wasn't, he's not even in the house. Looking down, I saw flames on Shoto's left arm. My vision blurred with tears, he might get an ice quirk. Please... Ice shot out of his right hand, covering my arm. I gabbed the boy in my arms.

"Let this be a terrible dream... Please..." I whispered shakily, hugging him as tightly as I could.
"What's wrong Tao..?" he asked, his chin resting on my shoulder.
"Nothing... Just never tell Enji Say you have ice. Never tell him. Please..." I asked the young boy, gripping him in an even tighter hug than I had ever hugged anyone before in my life.

"Never tell me what?" A stern voice said, I felt my entire body shake. My eyes shot wide open, Shoto's quirks were still activated, Enji gripped my wrist, throwing me onto the ground. I tired to stand but Enji's glare sent fear that paralysed my body in its spot. Move Tao... Just move... Shoto looked terrified as he looked at me laying on the ground, his eyes slowly losing their light. I felt my body move on its own as Enji grabbed Sho's wrist. I slapped his hand off of my youngest brother, my own hands still shaking with fear. Enji's flames increased with his rage. He raised his hand, slapping me round the face, I placed my hand on my cheek. I tried to follow after them but I wasn't fast enough. Shoto... I'm sorry... So sorry. My hands trembled, as tears rolled from my eyes and onto the floor.

"Tao?" I heard a familiar voice said, placing a hand on my shoulder. "What happened?" he asked. Toya. I failed Shoto... I failed you both... "Come here..." he whispered, pulling me into a soft hug. I cried for hours on end.

"Shoto has both ice and fire... Enji will hurt him..." I whispered him, still shaking but at least no more tears were falling, probably none left at this point. He placed a hand in my hair, beginning to braid it. Eventually I sat back up, placing my head onto his shoulder, the warmth of his shoulder eventually soothing me to sleep.

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