{Age 8}

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"He has both red and white hair... Both Mum and Dad's eyes, he's a perfect mix Tao-chan... He's exactly what Father wants.. Half and half..." Toya whispered, his ocean eyes wild and lacking their former light.

"You can't be a hero, just except it..." I told him, placing my hand onto his shoulder comfortingly.

"Shut up! I will beat All Might! Nothing can stop me! Not even you or Father!" He yelled slapping my hand away. I looked up at him, my eyes watering. His glare didn't waver as he walked out of my room.

"Wait up!" I called, trailing after him. He walked into the living room, I wasn't far behind. Father began to talk to him about there being more to life than being a hero as I went to stand next to Fuyumi and Natsu. Less than a minute later, Toya began to smoke from his flames.

"Toya you need to cool down!" Mum said panicked.

"Dad ignited this flame for me!" He yelled. "Look at me Endeavor! Take a good look at me!" he screeched, launching himself across the room towards Shoto. Mum reached out a hand towards him to somehow stop him, Fuyumi pushed Natsu out the way of the incoming danger. Father formed a mass of flames to stop him but I managed to act first. I formed a small ice wall in front of him, causing him to collide with it. It melted due to the intense heat but it was good enough.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Father yelled grabbing Toya by his shirt and throwing him into his room. "He better not hurt my masterpiece..." Father whispered, grabbing Mum's wrist, dragging her and Shoto off to his room. I ran over to my younger siblings, embracing them both into a tight hug.

"It'll be ok, don't worry, I'll always protect you both..." I told them, as they cried into my shoulders. We stayed like that for a bit, just sitting there with each other's comfort.

I stormed into Toya's room, making sure to shut the door quietly as I went. He looked at me, his eyes dark and his cheeks wet from tears. I whacked him round the face, no I don't feel bad, not one bit.

"What the hell!?" I whisper yelled. He only glared in response. "Answer me idiot!" I told him.

"He's going to get in my way," he responded, turning away and having his hung low.

"He's your little brother!" I snapped, smacking him once again.

"So?" He asked looking up at me, a crazed smile covering his face.

"You're crazy," I said, walking back to my room opposite to his.

I didn't sleep that night. How could I? Endeavor was yelling at Mum the entire night anyway. I spent the entire time thinking about the events of the day before. Toya's gone crazy. But I don't blame him. Shoto has done nothing wrong and Toya's firing his rage in the wrong direction, but I can understand why...

"Toya we need to talk," I said, sitting next to him, he looked up from where he was sat on his bed.

"What?" He whispered, barely looking at me. I placed my hand on his snowy white hair, beginning to braid it. Luckily, he didn't seem to mind.

"Don't blame Sho," I began. "If you're going to train just tell me, we'll find away to become heroes, without Endeavor," I told him, a smile covering my face.

"I don't care! Endeavor has to notice me! He'll respect me! I'll train under him! Nothing else is good enough!" he snapped, pushing me away, laying back down and looking at the wall. I sighed but decided against leaving side.

For the rest of the day, we sat there in silence. Neither of us spoke to one another. I eventually decided to lean over and ruffle his hair. He looked up at me for a few seconds but luckily he didn't try to run.

"Wanna talk?" I asked as he sat back up. He shook his head in response. "Just don't hurt Shoto. K?


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