{Age 13}

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I heard a scream of pain from the other room. What the-? I looked over at Toya, his piercing blue eyes wild, obviously concerned. I stood up, before running back towards the noise, Toya trailing close behind me. My entire body froze. Endeavor barged in through the door. Blood rolled down Shoto's face as Enji grabbed Mum by the shirt. She screamed in desperation as she was dragged through the door. My arms froze.
"Tao get the bandages and disinfectant! Just hurry! Shhhh... Easy Shoto..." Toya commanded. I did as he said and sprinted to the supply cupboard. I grabbed the bandages and disinfectant and began to sprint back.
"Tao... What's going on?" Natsuo asked me, rubbing his eyes with exhaustion.
"Stay in your room. Tell Fuyumi if she asks," I told him sternly, before sprinting towards Toya.
"Easy Sho... Tao! Hurry up!" He yelled, beckoning me over with his hand. I added the disinfectant to his face as Toya prepared the bandages. He wrapped it around Shoto's face as I placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. He continued to cry his eyes out. I don't know what really happened, but the kettle on the floor gives it away. Why would Mum do that..? What the hell is wrong with her?!

A few months later

"Toya! Goddamn it! For the last time! Listen to me! Please!" I shrieked after him, he's not even responding?! I kicked over a bucket as I walked into the house. I looked over at the side, seeing a note. It read: To Endeavor, come up to Sokoto Peak, I wanna show you what I can do! Please come. It'll be really cool! Why is he always like this..? I stormed into my room, face planting my pillow. A scream escaped my lips but sounded muffled due to the pillow.

Toya is usually home by now. I looked into his room, he's not in here. Imma go and find that idiot. I began to head towards the top of the mountain. When I was almost there, something happened...

Flames began to engulf the forest around me, horror filling through my heart. I began to run closer towards my brother. My face feels like it's going to melt right off! I can't stop! I have to reach him! He's my brother, I can't leave him!
"Toya!" I called out into the flames, calling for my brother. He can't hear me. I pushed myself forward, fighting through the pain. My legs collapsed underneath me. I can't... I'm sorry Toya but I can't...

I collapsed.

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