Fin [end of first gen]

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To Phobos, the answer became clearer as the years went on. A part of him had always wanted his revenge, and the sweet taste of victory. He failed too many times to get that chance. Those failures didn't stop him, for a while. He had jumped through all sorts of hoops and timelines to get what he thought was a happy ending. At some point, having been decidedly too old and less angry, he realized that this wouldn't help.
It hadn't before. It would continue to not help. It was a vicious cycle, as some would call it. After all, he had cured himself of his misfortunes. Nobody had died around him for a few years now. So what was next?

Would he ruin a chance of peace? Or would he try to fix it? He stared at the time turner in his hand, the light reflecting gently.

In another world, Jesse got a chocolate cake out of the oven, and set it on the counter.
"Davy! Don't try to touch it!" He hissed, turning around. Davy dejectedly moved his hand away, and went to sit back down without protest, picking up the controller he had placed on the sofa. Phobos laughed at him when he saw how disappointed he looked. "Not a word!" Jesse yelled again, sending the potential sarcasm from where he stood. Sergei sat at a desk, arguing with his older brother, William, about the color blue (and which was the better shade).

In another world, Dante was sitting in a living room surrounded by friends. He was in a several hour long challenge with Davy, who managed to egg him on enough to agree to this. He grinned, nudging Davy with his elbow as they unpaused their game. Mario Kart! Sergei and William were suddenly distracted, watching them play again. The bickering ceased, and Phobos still had a smile on his face.

He got up, walking away from the crowd. Nobody seemed to notice his absence, and as he stepped out onto the yard, he threw a glance to Leroy, who was tuning his guitar peacefully. They shared a knowing look, but didn't say anything. Phobos reached into the cooler and got a beer, sitting down in the lawn chair he bought. He tilted his head upwards to the sky, the sun beginning to set.

This was the perfect world.

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