The cold open (Act 1, Proluge)

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A Dark hallway. That's what stands between Javier Juárez and home. Javier checks his watch. He is in a rush. After glancing around the corner he makes a beeline for the exit however he fails to notice the glaringly obvious signs that something is wrong. That is until he steps in black sludge. It is at that moment Javier comes to a complete stop. He desperately tries to rip his foot from the sludge as it crawls up his leg. He is quick to notice a newcomer.

"Please help me," Javier cries out to the newcomer. However, he quickly regrets it as he notices the look on the man's face. The newcomer has the face of a psychopath. It's as if he was the one that gave the slime the order to attack.

"You're exactly who I need," The newcomer snarls. Javier's eyes widen in terror as the newcomer pulls a weird-looking device out of his pocket. It is at that moment that the sludge frees Javier. Sensing that this is the only chance to escape Javier tries to run away. There is just one problem: the sludge that captured him is blocking his path. It is ready to trap him again. He turns to face the man.

"Any last words? " The newcomer is taunting him at this point.

"What's happening?" Javier can feel the panic taking over his body. He knows that he is doomed.

"I suppose I could tell you. After all, you'd be dead in a minute. One of your colleagues has something that I want and I'm going to do whatever it takes to get what I want from her," The newcomer spurts his plan. Having told Javier what is going on, the newcomer points his device at Javier. Before Javier has a chance to react a bright flash of light surrounds him then he disappears. In his place, there is a small figurine. The master sneers as he bends down to admire his handy work. With a few swift movements, he has the figurine in his pocket. He knows exactly what he is going to do with it.

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