May the odds be ever in your favour

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The whole world seemed silent. The usually busy streets of  district 4 were completely desolate, every family hiding within the comfort of their home, holding each other for what might be the last time.

I held my hands as steady as I could as I braided my youngest sisters hair. The braid held her hair together in what resembled a flower at the top of her neck.

"All done Lily." I straightened up the collar of her simple white blouse as I stepped away. All she could give me in return is a sad smile.

Today was her first reaping.

I pulled her into my chest and rubbed her back.

"Your name is only in there once Lily, you won't be chosen." I spoke gently with the hopes of soothing her nerves.

"But how do you know it won't be me? I just have this horrible feeling in my gut that-"

"Lily I promise that it won't be you so stop worrying your little heart out."

She simply pulled herself closer into my chest.

Once she had left my room I begun working on my own hair. I did the same thing I had done on Lily's hair on my own and slipped into the nicest dress I had, a plain green dress that reached just under my knees.

I walked into the kitchen and was surprised to see my father already awake. He hated this day more than either of us for reasons unknown to Lily or myself as he only ever seemed to treat us with contempt and anger. If his hatred for the reaping was not for fear of losing us what else could it be for?

I shoved the silly question out of my head as I laid eyes on my little sister walking gloomily out of her room and into the kitchen.

"Lily aren't you just the most beautiful girl in all of four!" I exclaimed whilst cupping her face. "Stop your worrying sweetie, you know I'd never let anything happen to you." I clutch tight to me, as tight as I can, on the off chance this is the last time I'll have the option. Something about today seems different. I tell myself it's just my nerves but I can't help but to shake. Despite only turning 16 my name will be in that glass ball of death 20 times. My fathers alcoholism sucking up all the money we had from the days he worked led me to getting tessera for him, Lily and myself. Even that was not enough, which resulted in having to teach myself to fish. It began as a need for survival, but once I became good it became more a hobby. On one of my fathers better days he even taught me how to me how to use his trident. The next day I got a black eye for trying to use it without his permission, but after that I became much better at sneaking it out.

The voice blaring through the speakers outside brought me back to reality.

"Come on Lily it's time." I spoke, squeezing her small hand.

We said our goodbyes to our father, being returning with a simple grunt, then made our way to the square.

I clutched onto Lily's hand as we walked, only letting go once we had to seperate into our age groups.

"Remember Lily, you'll be fine. Just hold your finger out and it'll only hurt a second."

Once I got to the front of the line I found myself zoning out, looking at the stage ahead of me. I barely felt the small prick and moved along in a zombie-like state. I stood in the group of 16 year-old girls and had to bite my tongue to stop from shaking.

The escort for district 4 walked onto the stage, her bright purple hair and dress looking obscene in a sea of blue and green. As she spoke into the microphone sat in the middle of the stage it was hard to not laugh at her ridiculous capital accent.

"Hello everyone, and welcome to the 67th Hunger Games!" Tiara Delise spoke. She clapped loudly, but no one joined her. "And please welcome to the stage this years mentors, Finnick Odair and Henry Clauffman!"

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