The Capitol

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Despite the bed that felt like clouds under me, I didn't get much sleep. I found myself going over scenario after scenario of the games. Different arenas, how I could survive. Places I could possibly sleep, different animals I could hunt and plants I could gather. It's the first time I've ever felt lucky for the way my father raised me, or rather his lack thereof. Being the only provider in my household has taught me many survival skills I would not know otherwise. I can start a fire, I can fish and create snares and nets. I can use a trident, although I've only ever used it on fish.

After 5 hours of in and out sleep I realise my room is filling with light. The sun is rising. I change out of the beautiful silk pyjamas that were laid out for me into simple black pants and a green blouse I find in the elegant drawers placed adjacent the small bathroom attached to my room.

I walk into the main area to see if anyone is awake yet and to my surprise, Atlas is already sitting on the couch, watching a replay of last years games.

"Good morning." I say as I slide onto the couch. He seems surprised I'm awake.

"Couldn't sleep?" He asked. I nod, although it seems he already knows the answer from how disheveled I look. He looks the same.

We watch the beginning of the 66th hunger games, and the bloodbath that follows the starting canon. A few people run away from the cornucopia, not bothering with the bloodbath they seem to know will happen. The arena is a wasteland, a desert within an abandoned city. It looks horrible, the winds kicking sand up everywhere and no doubt scorching heat.

"We should team up. For the games." Atlas says suddenly. I'm caught off guard at the thought of a boy who could win wanting to team with me, a small girl who vomits at the thought of killing.

He looks me dead in the eyes and I expect to see pity, or guilt even. But I see something else, and I'm not quite sure what it is as I've never seen it before. He moved closer to me on the couch, our legs being inches away.

"We should team up until at least the final four. That way we can help each other until the end but, I don't think I could kill someone as gorgeous as you." He speaks much softer this time, as if he doesn't want anyone but me to hear him.

I'm taken aback by the last part of his proposition, and I finally land on what his eyes are telling me. Lust. A mix of love and greed. I ignore that thought immediately as it's ridiculous.

"That sounds like a good idea." Is all I say in return and I turn back to the games playing in front of us. I can see him move further towards me in the corner of my eyes, until our legs are touching, when I hear a door open.

Finnick walks into the main area and eyes us both up.

"You two are up early. Must be excited to see the Capitol." He settles next to me on the couch.

I had almost forgotten. We would be at the Capitol soon. I had never seen it before, but I had heard it was massive, and extremely beautiful.

Atlas grunts and he leans back against the couch in defeat.

Before I know it the highlights of the 66ths hunger games are over and both Henry and Tiara have stirred and joined us on the couch.

"We will arrive at Capitol soon and remember! Big smiles!" Tiara gestures a smile so I give her my brightest one.

"Beautiful." She sighs.

The train is suddenly dark. Panic rises in me as I grip onto the loose fabric of my pants. I sit, still as possible as Atlas rises to the window. Light flows back through the train and I breathe out. I join Atlas at the window to see what he's looking for. It's the Capitol.

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