Captiol punishemt

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My head hurt like it never had before. It hurt even more when I opened my eyes to see I was tucked into my bed.

I groaned as I pushed myself out of the bed and tried to stand. I almost instantly fell loudly to the ground.

My brain felt foggy still as I tried to remember what had happened the previous night.

As I remembered, i suddenly wish I had chosen to forget those memories.

The feeling of the mans hands on my body returned. I began to cry. Not just cry. Sob.

I was on the verge of scream crying in the middle of my floor when my door opened. It was Finnick. My surprise did not stop the cries, even as he sat down and pulled me into his arms. If anything it made it worse.

My sadness turned to anger as he hugged me. I pushed him away and stared daggers into his eyes.


He opened his mouth to respond but I didn't let him.

"I'm sorry I killed Annie, I never wanted too!" My voice was quieter but still loud enough for him to lean away from me. "I wish I never did it, I wish she killed me! I'd be much happier dead!" My sobs increased and cut off my talking as they wracked my body. I pulled myself into a ball as Finnick just sat there, watching me.

"No I'm sorry," he finally spoke as he wrapped his arms around me once more. "I said I wouldn't blame you for anything you did in the games and I did. I understand what it's like to be in that situation and I still held it against you."

I sat in his arms, sobbing, for another 10 minute. Once my crying had begun to cease, I spoke in a much softer voice.

"I, I don't think they showed it, but after I realised what I had done I gathered a bunch of flowers, arranged them in a bouquet and carried Annie into a river with bouquet in her arms as a sort of burial." I sniffled.

"Annie loves- loved the water, that would've meant a lot to her." Finnick said, his own voice shaking.

The train was fast and we arrived at district 4 only a few hour after I had woken.

When I finally stumbled into my house, ready to drink till I passed out, I was surprised to see a strange man sitting at my dinning table.

"Who are you." I said, trying to sound threatening.

"Sorry if I alarmed you Ms Heartthorn, my name is Davvid and I'm here on behalf of President Snow." He spoke in a calm voice but his words made me freeze. What did Snow want with me?

"He wishes to speak with you immediately and a train will be arriving in approximately 15 minutes to bring you to the Capitol." Davvid said before getting up and leaving.

Once the door closed I groaned. Of course, just as soon as I'm home I'm getting dragged to the Capitol.

I walk up to my bedroom and grab the half empty bottle on my nightstand, swallowing a few mouthfuls before slamming it back down and groaning. My fingers ran to through my hair as I racked my brain as to why Snow would possibly want to meet with me.

I take one more swig for good luck before making my way back towards the train station.

The air is tense in Snow's office. My leg bounces with anxiety as he stares at me, not saying a word.

"I'm sure your wondering why I asked you to meet with me." He finally said.

"Yes." I said, my leg bouncing faster.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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