The Truth Exposed

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My tour had come faster than I expected. The days since returning to district 4 had been a blur.

Everyday had almost the same routine. I would scream myself awake after getting barely a few hours sleep, cry until my tears ran out, then go downstairs and drink until I passed out.

It was as if I was alive, but not living.

I hadn't spoken to Henry or Finnick once and barely visited my family. I felt betrayed by them. If they had left me to live in that hell hole, that must mean they hate me.

Before I had even realised, I was being loaded onto a train with my escort, Tiara, and my mentor during the games, Finnick.

Tiaras constant chatter filled the space as Finnick and I stayed quiet. He didn't even spare me a glance once we had boarded.

Whoever redid the room I destroyed seemed to not of learned their lessen, and my room looked just as it had before I destroyed it.

I almost laughed as I had remembered how much trouble id gotten in. Everyone seemed to want to know why I would possibly destroy such a lovely bed, but I was confused on why they thought I wouldn't. They had all seen my games, I had thought.

As we sat and ate, the television was on, Ceaser Flickerman filling the screen. He was talking about my games, recapping his favourite parts, but one thing pricked my ears up.

"-and my was I just as confused as the whole of Panem when every screen broadcasting the games suddenly went black! It was quite a surprise. But don't worry, the game makers have assured us every inch of their systems have been revised and improved so it shall not happen again!" Ceaser Flickerman smiled from ear to ear as he said every word, just as he always was.

I stopped eating a put my fork down.

"What does he mean all the screens went black?" I asked.

"Oh, we'll during your games there was a malfunction in the system that caused the cameras to stop rolling! It was quite a scandal!" Tiara said, emphasising the last sentence.

"When did it happen?" I tried to keep the disbelief down when I spoke, but I knew there was no way those systems failed. They've been working for 67 years, why fail now?

"Oh it was right when Atlas had dragged you into the cornucopia and had pinned you down! The next thing any of us saw was you throwing you trident though his throat! It caused quite a scene, you should've seen-" I did not wait for Tiara to finish speaking as I stood up from the table and bolted to my bathroom.

Everything that I had eaten so far was now in the toilet. I continued the vomit even when nothing but stomach acid came out.

Tiara mentioning that scene had made the memory as fresh as if it had happened yesterday.

My whole body shook as I cried, the retching finally over.

I continued to cry as I pulled myself off the floor and washed myself off in the sink. I washed my face as well and calmed myself down.

Tiara and Finnick were still sat at the table, Tiara obviously startled by my sudden exit and Finnick eating as if nothing had happened.

"Oh my deary, are you alright?" Tiara patted my back as I sat back down.

"I'm fine, i must've just eaten something bad earlier." I waved her off.

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