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Pleakley: "who am I fighting with today."

Dojo door slide to the right reveals the leader of battle star Nova squad, atticaus approach the dojo with them and jumbaa introduced pleakley to hin, "you fighting with leader of battle star Nova squad in paldea region, atticaus but watch out pleakley because he learned kung fu when age of 6 yrs old.

Pleakley: " Ha, he doesn't scare me at all."

Atticaus: "okay then, you ask for it."

He went ninja speed to pleakley quick to deliver five kung fu moves at once."

"Greninja fist of fury!'

"Crabrawler punch!"

"Stubborn numel kick!"

"Riolu kick!"

"Armarouge hurricania on toxicroak!"

Pleakley collapsed on the floor right sideways unconscious when atticaus doing battle star Nova squad pose and jumbaa hit the dong with a stick to end lesson with kung fu dragon master pleakley.

kung fu dragon pleakleyWhere stories live. Discover now