Chapter 1: Work and a Guest

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Walking down the crowded street, Nero carefully looked around. Everything was the same as before. It had been two more days, and he hadn't noticed anything serious. So, he decided to finally go out and take a walk, also to look for a possible job.

However, these days he had a new problem in the form of not being able to sleep. In the first few days in this world, he slept a little. But for the last three days, he couldn't sleep. Although it didn't affect his body, mentally it was hard for him. Since he fully confirmed that he was no longer human, now he didn't need to sleep or rest. His body became like a machine, needing only biomass.

Glancing around, he was constantly watching people. Even though it was sunny and warm, no one seemed to care. They were rushing about their business. Walking across the street, he approached the park. He was still wearing his mask and hood but still attracted some attention. It wasn't just the mask that attracted attention, but his appearance as well. White hair, a rarity, and red eyes added another charm. Although his face was not fully visible, it still made others stare at him.

But he didn't care about that. Picking up his phone and looking at the map, he almost reached his destination. Following the directions, he approached the place where the man in the suit was sitting.

Although everything seemed suspicious, he really needed the money. Other than this method, he found nothing. He could have gone for a line or something similar to that, but he also didn't want to draw attention to his physical capabilities since he didn't know the norm of this world.

According to preliminary estimates, this is still a normal world. Yes, there are differences in the names of the countries or the stories of the world, but the development is very similar. There's also the internet and everything, and entertainment is pretty well-developed too. There's one aspect in which this world is even better.

By Nero's estimation, technology is much better here, but in narrow directions. By searching on the internet to reduce the chance of possible infection, he found something that required minimal contact.

So, looking at the man sitting on the bench, Nero pressed the bell button. As expected, the man in the suit picked up the phone.

Confirming his hunch, he walked toward the man. The other party seemed to notice him, but turned his attention back to the phone.

"That was me calling you, Mr. William. I introduced myself earlier, but will do so again. I'm Nero, and I want to find a job."

Speaking, Nero got William's attention. Turning off the phone, William put it back in his pocket. Nero kept some distance the whole time, though it seems disrespectful. But before he came here, Nero pretended that he had a phobia, so there was almost no problem with that.

William noticed it too and, understanding Nero's situation, he smiled and began to speak.

"So, Mr. Nero, as you have already learned, I am William. Now, since we have met, I would like you to look at the contract. If you agree, just sign. I have a lot more to do so I'd like you to decide quickly."

Taking the contract and pulling away again, Nero began to read all the words without any errors imprinted in his memory. This is also the effect of reinforcement.

It's a job for the guard at the hotel. He'll watch the cameras to make sure nothing happens, and he won't interfere unless it's required. Nero didn't see anything suspicious, only that it also had a non-disclosure clause about the identity of visitors.

Thinking that there was no such thing, he picked up a pen and wanted to sign but stopped again and looked at William.

"Mr. William, I will be alone, as we agreed, right?"

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