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Once outside, Jimin excitedly leads me, Taehyung and Hoseok to one quiet extremity of the training ground where we get to have a good sight of the sky without being put at risk, and I almost start to laugh when I notice some of the annoying knights running around helplessly with the discarded swords and training dummies in their arms.

There's something extremely satisfying about not being part of them for once. They can finally see that there's nothing amusing about the messes they create and seeing them clean up behind themselves?


I would enjoy myself even more if they were to somehow look over here to find me relaxing with a smile on my face.

Hoseok's lips curl into a light smirk as he observes me from the side because he can see in my eyes that I'm liking my current position a lot. To not have to take part in their little problems might very well be a first for me so he's just glad that it's something they can offer me at the moment.

Wanting to see how far he can go with me in public, his curiosity highly in need of this knowledge right now, Hoseok waits for a good opportunity to take action, and when one of the knights comes close enough that he can hear us to pick up some equipment from the floor, when his eyes do fall on us, the dragon knight immediately pulls me in by the waist to replace some baby hair that weren't bothering me with an eternal smile on his face.

"You should stay close, sweet thing, the wind will be very strong when Yoongi begins the landing and I wouldn't want you to get sand in your eyes, it can be uncomfortable otherwise" he says all sweetly as his thumb trails over my cheek, as if we were the only ones out here.

I nod my head softly with a blush tinting my skin, my heart stuttering in my chest because... where is this coming from so suddenly? But when I hear the knight gasp and run - probably to recount what he just heard to the others - it all makes sense.

"Shouldn't... don't we need to be careful so they don't find out about me being your mate, Sir Hoseok?" I ask him in a hushed whisper, and to that, Jimin and Taehyung laugh in amusement while Hoseok simply keeps his lovely smile on.

"They are not smart enough to come up with that answer on their own, sweet Aithne, don't you worry. Ah, here comes that mate of ours, he sure took his time. Look up".

Right as he says those words, the wind shifts in the air as a loud roar echoes in the sky to warn us of the dragon's arrival and my blood tingles with both nerves and excitement at the sheer strength of it, I can't believe I'm about to see such a rare sight in person!

The sound of the powerful wings moving air is almost overwhelming as a shadow casts over the entirety of the ground due to the sun getting blocked by a large mass, and when I look up with fascinated eyes, it is to find a magnificent beast lowering itself to the ground very gently as its eyes meet my own, the breeze that sways our way pushing me backwards before Hoseok and Taehyung hold me still with a grin.

My breath hitches in my throat as my brain tries to process the impressive image in front of me, this dragon has got to be the most beautiful creature I have ever been allowed to see in all of my short life. The matte scales are not even reflecting any light from how dark they are, is this what the colour of the night looks like?

It appeases me for some reason, the same way the starry sky does.

The landing appears to go smoothly for most of the process until the descent abruptly stops, and when the dragon turns its head around when a sudden movement catches its attention, I realize instantly that something is terribly wrong when I follow its gaze.

Right beneath the black mass of sharp edges, I find one of the young kids working here as a page trying to crouch away from the dangerously windy area that keeps him trapped in, the swords in his arms slipping out one after the other because of the strong wind that threatens to unearth even the biggest tree if this keeps going any longer.

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