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It was in fact, not fine.

Upon entering my private room, Seokjin and Hoseok remained frozen in the doorway like they saw death in person until I pulled them inside to close the door behind us - I wasn't in favor of other knights seeing inside, not that there was much to see either way.

I had warned them that there wasn't much in my room, but I am imagining that we do not have the same definition of 'not a lot', hence their reactions. It made me feel kind of bad, but they quickly got a hold of themselves in order to avoid making me feel any more self-conscious than I already was.

"It's neat and simple, your room carries a warmth that does resemble you a lot" Hoseok had spoken with a tight smile, eyes filled with watery sadness. He had meant those words sincerely, they were a compliment and indeed felt as such, but I could see that it also wounded him to see that there was not more to see that carried emotional value for me.

After all, it's not like I could keep the food sent by my mother as decoration, and other than the letters written to me on occasions, there was nothing else to put over my desk, nor was I concerned about that reality of mine until now.

But as I filled my bag with my few possessions, including the sword given to me by Namjoon along with the charm from my sister, I saw for the first time that my room never really felt like my own.

Perhaps because I never tried to make it feel like anything else than what it was. A temporary shelter for until I could make it back to my real home, to my family.

It was a weird thing to process as a whole, a confirmation of what Hoseok and I had talked about last time, but it was easier with the men by my side. They were the proof that things were about to change, that things would get better. It gave me hope for the future, no matter how small.

Once done with that simple task, we'd then joined the others in the hall where we found them with bags of food that were given to us by the cooks after hearing of our departure, and upon hearing from Taehyung and Jimin that Commander Rayner gave his permission as expected - he also gave his farewell as he couldn't come see me in person - I decided to head to the stable to see Eclipse one last time before leaving.

That is where I am currently, with my horse's face between my hands and my lips on her nose.

"I'm going to miss you so much, Eclipse. But I promise you, we'll meet again in Goldwyn, you're not going to be left here alone. If knights come and bother you because I'm gone, I give you permission to kick them, and make it count. They have a snake and jewels down there that could do with less performance, so start there if needed, okay? But only if necessary, I don't want them to hurt you while I'm not here to protect you".

Eclipse nods her head in understanding, the mission clear in her mind. She must make them regret ever being bad towards me, and saving future generations from being born from such awful beings is one way to go at it.

She will make sure to accomplish that with at least one knight, for her own satisfaction.

"I am glad I am not one of your enemies, dear Aithne and Eclipse. I fear what would happen to me if I ever did something wrong to either one of you" Namjoon's voice speaks from behind me after witnessing my little moment with my girl, and I chuckle while looking over my shoulder to see them all waiting for me.

Taehyung already said goodbye to his horse, but independent as he seems to be, Bear didn't really care all that much. He paid more attention to me honestly, most likely hoping to get those scratches again, which I gave very briefly before running to Eclipse so she wouldn't throw a tantrum.

"If you do something bad to me, Namjoon, I assure you that I won't have to say a single thing for my girl to jump on you and make you regret ever breathing in my direction. But she seems to like you all quite a bit so I'm sure you'll be fine. And anyway, I don't believe you would be capable of hurting me, you're much better than the knights of Orton".

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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