Elevator to Heaven

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"Did we confirm the 3 o'clock appointment?" he entered the elevator, a smartphone wedged between his ear and shoulder.

She looked at him from the side, smirking as she watched him try to push the jacket hanging over his arm to the other side. He pressed one of the buttons.

"Aw, damn! No not you!" he pushed another button, looking apologetically at her. She smiled in understanding. The door closed, the elevator moved jerkily upward.

"Fine, let's do it this way, I need a different shirt though."

The voice on the line talked at him incessantly. He lifted the Starbucks cup. The dark liquid sloshed lazily, the ice in it crackling as he attached the straw and took a sip. Their eyes met, brown eyes, under brown tousled hair, resting like dark lakes in his attractive face, a broad extraordinary nose above the dark mustache. He rolled his eyes, a gentle smile on his full lips. She smiled at the facial expression, shrugged her shoulders.

"Good!" he said curtly. The squeak and creak came abruptly, the elevator jerked, faltered, moved down a few inches before stopping. Her eyes fell on the circuit board, the outline of elevator buttons blinking frantically.

"Oh!" she said, looking at him in irritation. "Shoot, me, the elevator, I'll get right back to you. No I...", he let the phone slide into his hand, his jacket slipping down over his arm. "Are we stuck?"

"I think so!"

He looked down at his full hands, dropped the jacket to the floor, put the cell phone in his pocket, carefully set the cup down before inspecting the circuit board.

"Nice shit!"

Feeling her stomach go queasy and her fear register, she suppressed the feeling, walking towards him, looking with him at the various signs.

"Hello?" her fingers pressed one of the buttons, she spoke into the intercom, it cracked, then a voice answered. "Hello, do you need help?"

"We're stuck," his face came close to hers as he answered in a calm voice.

"Good, or not so good. But I can see your location. We'll take care of it. Are you okay? It might take a moment, please don't panic."

"Yeah, we're fine!" he gave her an encouraging nod.

"...How many...?", the static swallowed the rest.

"There are two of us, enough for a game of chess!", he grinned at his joke.

Again the sinking feeling.

"I need to sit down!" she said.

"Are you okay?" He put an arm around her, helped her to the floor.

He shifted next to her. "I can offer water, I have some in my backpack, and espresso with ice." Helplessly, he pointed to the cup.

"Water would be great!"

He pulled the backpack off his back, reached inside, pulled out the bottle, and handed it to her.

"Pedro!" he said, sitting down. "I actually have important appointments today..." he reached for the cell phone and held it to his ear. "Well, we're stuck, I don't know how long it will take."

She looked at him. He was definitely attractive and smelled like a mixture of coffee, deodorant and fresh laundry. He spoke softly into the receiver, the warm timbre of his voice soothing her. It could have been worse for her. With him, she felt safe somehow. Satisfied, he looked at the display, slid the device back into his pocket, stretched his legs out beside her. "Better?"

"Much better!"

Another jerk, a few inches of movement before the elevator stopped again. She looked down at her fingers hooked helpfully under his.

Again, the pleasant smile. There were few things that embarrassed her, the way he looked at her was one of them. "I'm afraid of tight spaces!" she said into the silence. "Is there anything I can do, I mean...?"

She leaned against him. "That, if it doesn't bother you?"

"Not at all!" He stroked his thumb gently over her hand, which was in his.

They looked at each other, the silence palpable. The sinking feeling was different, it had nothing to do with the elevator, nothing to do with the confinement.

She saw him open his mouth, press his tongue against his lips as if he wanted to say something. This stranger had an attraction that she didn't understand, that made it hard for her not to let her mind wander.

Another jerk.

This time she barely noticed it, the world around her had disappeared. His warm breath on her face, the atmosphere abruptly changed, like a wild shimmering in space. His phone rang.

"No," he said, shoving it back into his pants.

"Do it!" she said in a whisper.

She tasted him, the coffee, felt the soft voluminous lips, and smelled his pleasant scent. Her fingers touched his stubbly cheek, pulled him close. Hungrily she sucked on his lower lip, sighed contentedly as his hand slid down her neck and he pulled her close. She touched him, gripping his shirt, feeling the firm chest beneath, leaning against him, enjoying how he returned her tenderness. His tongue pushed between her lips, circling slowly in her mouth. Her hands strayed under the shirt, she moaned in surrender, sliding over the soft skin.

It wasn't like she was touching a stranger, everything felt familiar. He slid half over her, grinning as she put her arm around his neck, letting him have his way.

Wild thoughts as he pulled the shirt over his head, pushing against her, letting her feel his arousal. Her fingers tugged at his zipper, undoing the button, sliding over his buttocks, exposing the firm curve of his ass. All her senses were attuned to him, nothing existed but her and him kissing her neck with hot lips, touching her with gentle hands. His hand slid under her shirt, down her back, skillfully unclasping her bra, pushing it halfway up, letting his warm palm brush over her aroused nipples.

Soft lips followed his hands, sucking gently on her, making her tremble until her body pressed towards him. With agitated hands, she pushed her pants down, frantically kicking her legs free before clutching his half-naked abdomen with her legs. He half moaned into her mouth, looking down between her thighs, giving her a look that stirred her insides, straying into her belly and ending in a wild sensation in her womb. "How wet you are!" he sighed in surrender, closing his eyes, opening his mouth, which formed into a silent moan as he took her in with a jerk. She reared back, trying to control her breathing, which like her racing heart was completely out of sync. He sank into her, looking at her, his dark eyes like black trenches in which she sank as he moved inside her, taking her further and further. Bittersweet pain as he reached her deepest point, sucking in the air sharply, enjoying the way her moans grew louder, her writhing beneath him, her fingers scratching over his back. The sensation spread through her, taking her in, rendering her will-less, unable to form a clear thought. Her lips found each other greedily as he picked up the pace, thrusting into her, leaving nothing of her doubts, letting her lust rise until it clouded her senses. She heard him, his moans, every sigh, close to her ear, smelling him, lost in the sensation he gave her, pushing deep inside her. Her hands settled on the round firm ass, gyrating and thrusting until she felt him in every fiber. There was no turning back, not with him between her legs, knowing how to use his manhood. Nothing was unfamiliar as the pulsing spread inside her, laying over her in hot waves. She drowned in it, with each successive thrust, with his whisper at her ear, until she came. The world had disappeared in this feeling. He didn't let go of her, still moving, on and on, until she heard the fulfilling gasp, felt his body tense, how he paused for a moment and poured into her, sighing....

He tried to catch his breath, grinning at her, shaking his head.

"Hello?" the croak from the intercom. "Hello, are you all right? Hello?"

Pedro got to his feet, holding his pants, waddling toward the sound.


""Yes, hello, we're fine," he looked at her and smiled. "...Too good!" he followed up, grinning....

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