Happy Birthday

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Birthday Gift

"Can I go like this?" he smoothed out the shirt, reaching for the leather jacket, looking at her questioningly.

"You sure you don't want to put a shirt on?"

He grimaced. "How long have we been friends? Six years! You know very well that I would actually prefer it if people didn't make such a fuss."

"Pedrito!" She stroked through his curls, trying to get structure in the tangled hair, kissed him on the tip of his nose. "It's your birthday, once a year, come on. Oh and seven years!" She grimaced the same way, leaning on his shoulder as she slipped on her shoes.

It had taken convincing, she had thought countless times to call the whole thing off, had called Sarah more than once, begged her to remind this stubborn person why they should at least celebrate his birthday in a "small" way.

"I think I need a drink right now!" He got out of the cab, extended his hand to her, looked toward the brightly lit entrance of the hotel. "All that's missing is the red carpet!" He shook his head.

"Come on!" She pulled him along, thanked the doorman, who opened the door and pointed to one of the rooms, from which loud voices and music could be heard.

"What the H...."


"Oh my God, you guys are crazy!"

She saw Sarah hand him a glass of champagne before she lost sight of him and lost in the commotion. She grabbed a glass and mingled with the countless people who had come.

Her sense of time was lost as the glasses and music changed. She saw him in the crowd, saw him laughing with people, dancing, talking, and at one point standing lost leaning against the bar, a whiskey in his hand.

"Pedrito!" she clicked her tongue, toasting him.

He rolled his eyes exaggeratedly. "I'm too old for this shit!" He laughed, shaking his head, and looked at his watch.

"Taking off?" She slid the glass onto the counter, looked around for a moment.

"Really, shall we?"

She reached across the table, lifted one of the champagne bottles, gestured with her head toward the exit.

"Don't let them talk to you, close your eyes and..."

His hand holding hers, she pulled him through the crowd, saw Sarah looking irritatedly after them, heard someone call his name, reached the front door, nodded to the doorman and ran.

She ran into the darkness, him behind her, his raucous laughter, block after block, until she was out of breath.

"Whoo hoo!" Pedro grabbed her bottle. "Thanks, that was the best move ever." He half lifted her, spun her in a circle.

"That what friends are for! Sarah will see it a little differently!" She contorted her face as if pained by the statement.

"Cheers! I'll clear it with her, I promise!" With a loud pop, he opened the bottle, put the bubbly opening to his mouth, and took a big swig.

The dark streets swallowed the two as they emptied the bottle, leaving it on a street corner next to the dumpster.

"Are you drunk?" she giggled, snuggling up against his leather jacket.

"Not as drunk as you," he sounded leaden, putting his arm around her and looking at her.

"But your eyes look drunk!" She looked at him and staggered with him across the street, to the front entrance of her apartment.

"My eyes?" he grinned broadly and stopped in front of the door. She shook her head, leaning against the wall of the building.

He raised his arm, propped it beside her head. They

looked at each other, too deeply, too intensely. The atmosphere changed abruptly. Her fingers played with the

the collar of the leather jacket.

"Your lips..." she said, as if

as if it were an answer. He leaned forward, she felt his breath, smelled the alcohol, felt her longing.

"No, yours!" he whispered, before their lips finally found each other.

"Have you always smelled like this?" his face nuzzled her neck, lingering close to her ear.

She let her hand roam over his butt, feeling him trigger something in her she'd never felt in his presence. How many times had they been drunk, fallen asleep together on the couch, how many times had she touched him, kissed him without this feeling taking possession of her now? Gently she bit his chin before finding her way back to his lips, allowing him to press her against the wall, rubbing his body against hers, letting her feel his arousal.

"Have you always felt like this?" she slid a hand under the jacket, touching the flat of his stomach.

"Hmmm! I think so!" he murmured, not letting go of her.

Blindly, she rummaged for her key, opened one eye, hit the keyhole, dragged him with her, and stumbled into the hallway.

Backward, not letting go of him, she reached her door, opened it, half fell into the entrance, caught herself, her lips still busy with his. She reached for the buttons of his jeans, felt his fingers helping her until the fabric finally slid down. Greedily, she reached for his cock, which was sticking straight up.

"Shit!" he moaned into her mouth, reaching under her skirt, cool fingers pulling impetuously at her panties, pushing firmly inside her. Her knees gave way, he held her, pushing her against the wall, leaning against her before half lifting her, allowing her to clamp her legs around him, looking at him with lust as he slid into her wet lust as if of his own accord, searching for a hold himself for a moment, overwhelmed by all the arousal and that unseemly good feeling their joined bodies were causing. Firmly she gripped the thick curly hair, sucking on his lips, seeking his tongue, which pushed greedily into her mouth as he pressed her against the wall, pressing his cock into her, laughing contentedly as she moaned chokingly. As much as she had loved their friendship, she knew she loved even more how it died with each of his firm thrusts, morphing into something she had never seen coming. Her gaze caught in his, his forehead leaning against hers, he drove himself further into her, not allowing her racing heart to calm, making her do what she had never considered, giving her what she had not dared ask for.

"You're so tight!" he gasped helplessly.

She smelled him, the leather, felt all this lust had long been part of her, and here he was unleashing with her something she had suppressed for too long.

He drove himself into her, widening her with every movement, moaning louder and louder. She looked into his face that she had seen so many times, into those eyes that looked at her

hot-blooded gaze, in which the last spark of sanity was extinguished, with the movement of his hips, the slapping sound, with her back sliding along the cool wall. Here with him, his gasp echoing in her head, settling in every pore until she was ablaze for him, perceiving him properly at last. She came, her arm half wrapped around him, his lips against her ear, listening to him whisper sweet smut into it until his breath hitched, half yielding as he hit her innermost spot, bittersweet pain. She wrenched her eyes open, feeling him, faster and faster, before he turned his pupils into black magnets where she was lost and he climaxed, gasping....

"Happy Birthday to me!"

She laughed, shaking her head. "Happy Birthday Baby!"

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